Organizations, organizations
& more organizations...

It goes without saying that space cannot possibly permit. And in the interest of time I am using pages I had set up for an earlier purpose. Therefore the Unitarian Universalists are grouped together on a page while other organizations have their own.

Let me introduce my family first. I have included the International Association for Religious Freedom with the U.U.s as religious freedom is an historical Unitarian tenet going back over 400 years. And as the Mt. Diablo Peace Center grew out of my church I have included it there as well. To go to the Unitarian Universalist page, just click on their "chalice" below:

Next are more Zwickel Family faves. Help youselves!

AFSC Fellowship of Reconciliation St. Joseph the Worker
Amnesty International Habitat for Humanity Sierra Club
The Catholic Worker Methodist Federation for Social Action United Farm Workers Union
East Bay Sanctuary Proyecto Caribeño para Justicia y Paz WILPF
EPI/CALC Refugio del Rio Grande War Resisters League

By the way, is my ISP. They're one of the most socially responsible companies on the planet. Check them out, particularly their Long Distance service, WALD. They even make social consciousness convenient! How? Check them out.

(As Columbo would say,) Oh, and one more thing. In some of the most beautiful country on earth (land of maple syrup) resides the Ice Creamery of choice. I justify thier inclusion here by way of an anecdote: During a Major demonstration in at the Federal Building during the Gulf War I noticed a Ben & Jerry's truck. By the time I got there I was told that it was all gone. "Sold out," I lamented. "I never would have figured Ben & Jerry's to sell out to the establishment." "Does this look like the "establishment" to you," the fellow replied. "Look around." Point well taken. "Besides, we didn't sell anything. We were giving it away." And in his Orsonwellian Rosebudish best he whispered, "Cherry Garcia." As if this wasn't San Francisco.


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