East Bay Sanctuary

"[I've no description yet for EBS.]"

To my knowledge, EBS does not have a Website; they are likely the least wired of all the organizations listed here. Still, my admiration for the work they do compels me to include them in hopes that a little more attention and support may come their way.

Our adventures in Central America severely bloodied El Salvador and Nicaragua, not to mention depleting our coffers to the tune of billions of dollars. But the real face, the real outrage of our actions were to be seen in the faces (and in the wounds, both physical and psychic) of the innocents who fled our bombs and bullets and the visitations in the night, seeking sanctuary at their enemy's people's doorstep, of all places. East Bay Sanctuary did yoeperson's service, finding many of them a corner of compassionate peace in the midst of the horror. EBS quietly continues to help the helpless, the victims of governmental terrorism.
