"Catholic Workers live a simple lifestyle in community, serve the poor, and resist war and social injustice. Most are grounded in the Gospel, prayer, and the Catholic faith, although some houses are interfaith. There is no "Catholic Worker headquarters" and each Catholic Worker house is independent in living and acting the life of Christ."
You may visit the Catholic Worker Home Page
, or visit a Directory
of Catholic Worker Houses.
My folks knew Dorothy Day, founder of the Catholic Worker movement. A pencil portrait of her, Martin Luther King, Jr. and Mahatma Ghandi hangs above our dining table for us to see at least twice a day. Fritz Eichman prints from issues of its monthly newsletter hang on our walls as well, reminders, all, of her legacy which the Catholic Worker movement daily perpetuates.
Although my folks' historical connection is with the original Catholic Worker house in New York City, we have visited and patronized the Sheep Ranch farm in Northern California. Check them out.