"[They don't have their "mission statement" up yet. It'll be there as soon as I get it.]"
St. Joseph the Worker is just getting its Website together. Check it out by clicking on the grafix I cribbed from them:
You may, however, E-mail our Fearless Head Pastor, Fr. George Crespin:, telephone them at the number you see above, and talk to Ruth who runs the place. Good thing; without her the priests would be Ruthless.
I am proud to be seen with the most Usual of the Suspects, the Lft. Rev. Fr. Bill O'Donnell, the most dangerous of the pastors of St. Jo's. And as for my association with San José's, the Catholics are no dummies you want a good cantor, you hire a Jew ("Oy Vey, Maria....") And in the community of Berkeley, the church does the work of the Big J. and does him proud.