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Welcome to the Library. Please Bookmark us return from time to time as we are under continual development with new Pages and links added almost daily, it seems. I've divided the Library into four “stacks” so that those of you with modems as primitive as mine don't have to wait until the third millennium for the page to load. Enjoy!


So what's new? Here's where we show our latest additions to the Library. We've placed them in their proper place, as well, but this will bring them to your attention if you're visiting us from time to time. Thanks for dropping by!

  • [Posted on 9/12/2K] As we approach the November election Pacifist Nation faces a fundamental choice: Nader or Gore? and PacNat is definitely leaning toward the left, no surprise there. My dear friend John is dismayed at the progressives failing to support the Democrats. The single strongest argument if favor of Gore is the comtemplation of four (or even, horrors!, eight) years of Dubaya. Sad to say, it's the Democratic Party that is deserting us. Nader speaks of Labor, rather than saying, “You cannot win this election without us,” wimping out, licking the Donkey's hooves in fawning gratitude for whatever scraps they deign to leave us, and for not selling them out too badly (define ‘too badly’.) We blindly accept whatever evil the DNP promulgates because we hate the other guy worse. Any wonder we get no respect from our own Party. We don't deserve it! Perhaps we need to sacrifice our dear nation to the Hounds of Hell for four years and send the Donk a message: Better Green than mean! Read the Green Part Platform and decide for yourself.

  • Some of you may have come to Pacifist Nation from . PeaceHost provides a foundation for all my Websites, serving as a hosting domain and a directory for peace and social justice organizations throughout the World Wide Web. It's a tremendously exciting venture. It is my Web and I cherish and nourish it.


Just who is this masked man? Allow me to introduce myself.

  • Would you like to know what Pacifist Nation is all about, or else gather some ammo so you can virulently disagree with me?

  • “Holy Cow!” First a cat, then a family of mice arive at the Pearly Gates. All led exemplary lives, God asks what She can do for them. The cat had lived in poverty; the mice had lived in fear. The cat was given a luxurious pillow on which to dream catnip dreams; the mice, roller skates to keep several steps ahead of their tormentors. All were happy; God stopped by the cat's place to see how he was doing. “Most comfortable pillow I ever could have imagined – but I particularly love those ‘meals on wheels’ you keep sending by!” Yes, Pacifist Nation does indeed have a sense of humor but, jokes about slaughtering the poor, defenseless lettuce aside, Pacifist Nation is a “Vegetarian Nation!”. The cow pictured here died for your sins, or do you really believe that hamburger patties grow in vegetable patches? Read this thought-provoking piece by writer, Alison Green. and re-examine the phrase, “life is sacred”.

  • Consider the yin & the yang, if you will. They both need each other, lest the universe be out of balance. So it is with the conservative and the radical. Heretical it may sound, I believe we need each other. I wrote this little note for the introduction of my mother's book on Puerto Rican independence. It is so vital that we listen to each other. Check it out.

  • Social justice junkies, meet my folks, two originals: their modest Life & Times should be required reading for anyone desirous of being counted among the "Usual Suspects."

  • As the world turns, there are many excellent groups trying to make it a nicer place. Here are a handful of my family's faves. Please enjoy browsing!

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