Namaste (the divine in me greets the divine in you.)


I am a San Francisco Bay area musician, composer, writer and the designer of Hexadec, the Playing Card of the Computer Age. Not exactly a household word yet, but give it time.

I've created this Website to open the notion of pacifism in the mainstream to public discourse.

As a life-long vegetarian I recall the loneliness of my position as a schoolchild. Now we find vegetarian fare in many restaurants and even salad bars in steak houses. Much as we have come to view prevention as paramount concern within the health field, so must we view pacifism in the same manner, as a path to preventative measures against that which threatens the health of society.

Personally, I wish to pursue this vision through the digital film Oratorio, "Puebla". The "book" is available through Pacifist Nation for free and open viewing. 

I invite your response. Those of you whose lives have been dedicated, as have my parents', Jean and Abraham, to the pursuit of peace and social justice are owed a debt of gratitude. To others, I ask that you keep an open mind. We are not your enemies; we are your friends and must work hand in hand to create a world we can all enjoy.

With respect to the multiplicity of New Years, may the Common New Year bring you blessings.

Warmest regards, Daniel


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