Mount Diablo Peace Center letterhead Mount Diablo Peace Center
55 Eckley Lane
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
(925) 933-7850
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"A Peaceful Peace Rally"

On October 5th, 2002 residents from Orinda, Lafayette, Walnut Creek and other East Bay communities joined to share an afternoon affirming the need to counter hate with love and to pursue compassionate responses to violence.

We are very grateful to all the people who made the "The Silenced Majority Speak Out" peace rally a success, particularly Terry Leach of the Board of the Lamorinda Democratic Club and Jeanne Rosenmeier of the Green Party, who helped coordinate the event. I am deeply grateful to be included in a community of caring, dedicated people working for peace
— Jeanelyse Doran (MDPC coordinator) (more details of the event)

— Jeanelyse Doran (MDPC coordinator)