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55 Eckley Lane
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
(925) 933-7850
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Popular Web Articles
This section contains links to popular or recommended articles related to the anti-war movement and peace and social justice in general.

by Paul W. Rea, Ph.D.

Bolstered by Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s assertion that "wars are poor chisels for carving out peaceful tomorrows," family members of September 11 victims will travel to Iraq from January 5-14, 2003, to make public their conviction that war will not bring peaceful tomorrows to that nation, to the Middle East region, or to the United States.

Mainstreaming your Message
From Susan Strong, the founder of
Some Americans carefully avoid political subjects in social conversation. But with our country on the brink of war this is less likely to be true right now. You may not even be able to avoid the subject. So here are a few suggestions for your journey into the heartland, literal or figurative. We'll start with reconnoitering, move on to packing (and not packing), finishing up with the best part of a trip-nice surprises....

 New Years Message for Peace from the South Pole

The Miniature Earth (flash)
For a brief, beautiful, and insightful slide show of the small planet we share with 6 billion humans of goodwill. (created in Italy by Allysson Lucca)

ADC, AIA, CAIR File Lawsuit against Government over Mass Arrests in LA
Information if you or your friends, parents or other family members are faced with the new INS "special registration" requirement in the SF Bay Area. A free, drop-in legal clinic has been organized to assist these people in the registration process to reduce the likelihood of false arrest and to accompany them in the event of detainment. The clinic is scheduled to take place this Saturday, Jan 4. You can email or call for the exact location (415/861-7444 or

This clinic has been organized as a response to the arrests on Dec 16-18 of large numbers of people, especially in Los Angeles, as they came forward to voluntarily comply with new INS "special registration" requirements of Foreign Nationals. This is the beginning of a US Justice Dept policy of registering all Foreign Nationals residing in the US by 2004, including those legally following INS requirements to become permanent residents. If you have friends or family who are Arab male nationals from Lebanon, Algeria, Bahrain, Morrocco, Oman, Qatar, Somalia, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen, they are subject to the new requirements to register with the INS by January 10. This requirement is in addition to current registration requirements already in place. Other immigrant communities will be scheduled in the future and will include non-Arab immigrants.

An Unnecessary War
In the full-court press for war with Iraq, the Bush administration deems Saddam Hussein reckless, ruthless, and, when armed with nuclear weapons, too unpredictable to be prevented from threatening the United States. But scrutiny of his past dealings with the world shows that Saddam is eminently deterrable.
By John J. Mearsheimer and Stephen M. Walt

War Plans for Iraq
by Gary D. Halbert, December 30, 2002

The Mount Diablo Peace center is a non-denominational program of the Mount Diablo Unitarian Universalist Church

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