Mount Diablo Peace Center letterhead Mount Diablo Peace Center
55 Eckley Lane
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
(925) 933-7850
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Mount Diablo Peace Center is committed to co-creating a culture of peace through education, transformational activism, and community building. Our vision is a world free from violence with peace and justice for all people.

Mount Diablo Peace Center is a non-religious program of the Mt. Diablo Unitarian Universalist Church. We were founded in 1969 and are located at 55 Eckley Lane in Walnut Creek.

 Contact Information
Address   Mount Diablo Peace Center
55 Eckley Lane
Walnut Creek, CA 94596
Phone   (925) 933-7850
  Take Mount Diablo Boulevard (eastward) through Walnut Creek past Safeway where it turns into Walker Avenue. Continue through three stop signs, past the intersection with Walnut Blvd., and then turn left onto Eckley Lane. Turn left into the parking lot of the Mount Diablo Unitarian Universalist Church. The Peace Center is located in the first large building, on the left, at the far end of the parking lot - look for our sign.

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