Urgent Actions / Archive

Urgent Action – Please click on: Navy Bombing to Resume June 13
[Note: This message was sent to all who subscribed to the viequesfast list which sent updates on the 50-day water-only fast protesting U.S. bombing in Vieques. If you would like to be added to the list or have other comments, please let me know. Gracias, Andrés Thomas Conteris]
The U.S. Navy officially announced on Wednesday, May 30 that it will resume bombing of the tiny populated island of Vieques, Puerto Rico on June 13, 2001 for up to 18 days.

This announcement comes in the wake of a demonstration by over 5,000 thousand who marched last Monday to the Federal Prison in Guaynabo, Puerto Rico where 38 political prisoners who crossed into the restricted zone are serving sentences ranging from 40 to 120 days. Three prominent New York City politicians are also serving 40-day sentences in their city for protesting the bombing. Joining them is civil rights leader Rev. Al Sharpton sentenced to 90 days and who began a hunger strike in prision on Tuesday until the "Vieques Four" are released. Some 140 others, including U.S. Congressman Luis Gutierrez, environmental attorney Robert Kennedy Jr. and actor Edward James Olmos, are facing trial, prison and fines for protesting the lastest round of bombing beginning April 28 for four days.

Many who protested were brutally treated by the Navy, Federal Marshalls and other police forces with tear gas, rubber bullets and excessive force. A three-month old was among those hospitalized. A 44-year old man arrested in the protests died shortly after his release from kidney failure and family members suspect his death resulted from dehidration while in detention. Amnesty International sent a representative to Vieques from Costa Rica to investigate human rights violations committed by U.S. authorities during the protest last month. The Hispanic Caucus of the U.S. House of Representatives will hold hearings around the severe treatment of protesters in the wake of the April bombings on June 5 at 10 am in the Rayburn House Office Building room 2200.

The Governor of Puerto Rico, Sila M. Calderón, who opposes the bombing responded to the Navy by announcing that her administration will sponsor a referendum as soon as possible in Vieques which will include the option of ending the military exercises immediately and permanently. A Navy-supported referendum is scheduled for November in Vieques which offers the limited choice between indefinite live-fire bombing or continued "inert" bombing until May 2003.

Puerto Ricans and others of conscience are calling upon the international civil society to take concrete actions of resistance in support of Vieques to achieve the goal of U.S. Navy Out of Vieques! The Navy's repression marked by over 60 years of bombing, the horrendous treatment of protesters together with excessive judicial sentences for misdemeanor charges must be stopped.

Help is urgently needed. Delegations of activists will travel to Vieques, funds are needed for bail, support demonstrations will be taking place and more. Please help.

Specific action suggestions: www.viequeslibre.addr.com/campaign/campaign.htm

Information Articles: www.viequeslibre.addr.com/articles/articles.htm

Clearinghouse of webpages: www.viequesvive.com

To receive regular email updates from the Committee for the Rescue and Development of Vieques please write to: bieke@coqui.net

To subscribe to the Puerto Rico Update newsletter and for other ways to get involved contact the Fellowship of Reconciliation (FOR): forlatam@igc.org Tel. 415-495-6334.

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