As if nine deaths (since November 8, 2000) were not enough. As if nearly ten years of medical neglect were not enough. As if depending upon guards who work as medical technical assistants to unlock the cell door and provide medical care is not enough. As if watching your cellmates writhe in pain and die from outright medical neglect after being refused emergency care is not enough....
Oyez, oyez! (Page Two)
For those of you who are in solidarity with the people of Cuba, and are working to end the blockade, please consider attending. San Rafael is a lovely place, has a progressive environment, great eateries, coffee houses and music clubs. The transcendently-beautiful Muir Woods is nearby ... and now a gathering of kindred spirits! What more could one ask for. For information, click on: NNOC.
- Subject: National Network on Cuba Convention in San Rafael, California in October, 2001
From: jan strout
Date: Wed, 22 Aug 2001 18:58:12 -0700
Jeff writes:
- Subject: Repealing the Monroe Doctrine Starts Here: FTAA Fast Track Do or Die Time - Action Alert
From: via Jeff Moebus
Date: Wed, 22 Aug 2001 21:32:13 -0500"This provides an alternative to getting teargassed, peppersprayed, and rubber bulletted in DC on the weekend of Sept 28 and 29. How many people who will actually vote on "Trade Negotiating Authority," as Fast Track is now known, will even be in DC that weekend?" To read TradeWatch's ALert page, click on: Do or Die.
Reference:Concerned about a free and independent radio voice in the Bay Area? Click on KPFA for the latest from John Sheridan (thanks, bro'!)
- Subject: KPFA Local Advisory Board Election Underway – Relevant Dates
From: John Sheridan
Date: Wed, 15 Aug 2001 22:55:59 -0700
From:Concerns about the fallibility of the criminal prosecution system have created an opening for work on ending the death penalty. Most importantly, the current environment has created an opportunity for dialog and education.
- Subject: Action Message on the Death Penalty
From: Beth Lerman
Date: Sun, 15 Jul 2001 12:14:39 EDTRead about this Urgent Action from the Friends' Committee on National Legislation by clicking on: ENDING THE DEATH PENALTY.
From:The U.S. Navy officially announced on Wednesday, May 30 that it will resume bombing of the tiny populated island of Vieques, Puerto Rico on June 13, 2001 for up to 18 days.
- Subject: Vieques Call to Action, Navy Bombing to Resume June 13
From: Andrés Thomas Conteris
Date: Thu, 31 May 2001 12:33:12 -0400This announcement comes in the wake of a demonstration by over 5,000 thousand who marched last Monday to the Federal Prison in Guaynabo, Puerto Rico where 38 political prisoners who crossed into the restricted zone are serving sentences ranging from 40 to 120 days. Three prominent New York City politicians are also serving 40-day sentences in their city for protesting the bombing. Joining them is civil rights leader Rev. Al Sharpton sentenced to 90 days and who began a hunger strike in prision on Tuesday until the "Vieques Four" are released. Some 140 others, including U.S. Congressman Luis Gutierrez, environmental attorney Robert Kennedy Jr. and actor Edward James Olmos, are facing trial, prison and fines for protesting the lastest round of bombing beginning April 28 for four days.
For more on this, and how you can help, click on:
Hello all -
- Subject: Lori Berenson Action
Date: Fri, 18 May 2001 12:24:48 -0700
From: Lindasusan UlrichAs many of you know, Lori Berenson has been facing a second "trial" in the civilian anti-terrorism courts of Peru since March 20. A verdict is expected in the next few weeks. Given all the due process violations that have occurred -- such as the lead judge acting more like a prosecutor (see for details) -- the outcome doesn't look good.
The (San Francisco) Bay Area Committee is planning a protest for June 14th, the national day of action on Lori's behalf. It will take place from 4-6pm outside the Peruvian consulate at 870 Market (near Powell). Please pass the word along to other organizations, church groups, friends, and collegues -- this is our single most important action to date, and we need your support!
We're having a planning meeting this Monday (5/21) at 7pm. Please join us, and bring a friend or two. The location is 1383 Minna Street (betw. 14th/15th Streets, near Mission). It's close to lots of public transit, as well as Hwy 101. Please let me know if you need directions. (Please note: this home has a cat and some stairs -- apologies to anyone for whom this is an impediment.)
If you can't come to Monday's meeting, there are still plenty of ways to get involved -- flyering, finding groups who'd be interested in speakers on Lori's case, making phone calls, etc. Please email me or call our voicemail (510/893-4648x201) to find ways you can help.
On behalf of Lori, her family, and supporters, many thanks.
--Lindasusan Ulrich
- Subject: ALERT
Date: Fri, 02 Mar 2001 16:27:29 -0800
From: Carolyn Scarr
From:The Cold War seems to be as hot as ever. To take this Urgent Action, click on: Bombs, Bombs & More Bombs
Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2001 12:12:40 EST
From: Dan & Beverly SweetonFrom:Dear Friends,
- URGENT ACTION- threats to PBI and other Human Rights groups in Colombia
Date: Wed, 14 Feb 2001 20:25:30 -0800
From: Guatemala News and Information BureauArmy-backed paramilitaries have declared Peace Brigades International a "military target" after threatening both one of its members and a women's grass roots organization it accompanies in Barrancabermeja, Colombia.
For the full posting click on:
- Subject: URGENT ALERT, women prisoners, stop the abuse
Date: Thu, 01 Feb 2001 04:32:13 -0800
From: Gene & Ellie Bluestein
To: WILPF News Service
Please click on: Stop
the Abuse
"First is a general update of the situation and local reports from different departments. After that is an action alert on aid not getting to those in need."
To act on this Urgent Action Alert, please click on: Earthquake Relief
The E-mail message I received began,From:
- Subject: Boycott The "Reverse Domain Name Hijackers"
Date: Sun, 07 Jan 2001 21:42:00 -0500
From: Internet For The People
"Dear Internet User,
"In an effort to prevent deep pocket corporations from taking control of the Internet by hijacking domain names from their rightful owners, particularly small businesses, we are taking it upon ourselves to bring a classic case of “Reverse Domain Name Hijacking” to the public and ask you to take a stand.
"Uzi Nissan, an Israeli-American, is the founder and president of Nissan Computer Corp., incorporated in Raleigh, NC in 1991. Nissan registered the domain names NISSAN.COM"
It's easy to guess the rest of the story. Sure, there are injustices higher on my priority list that this one, but businesspersons are people, too. We pro-labor folk sometimes forget from whence come our jobs. Give this you consideration. Injustice is, after all, injustice. Just click on: Nissan Auto Corp., GET A LIFE.
"I am an friend of Judy and Charlie Liteky and others in the St. John the Baptist Community. I work with Kathy Kelly and Voices in the Wilderness. I have travelled to Iraq 10 times over the past several years.From:
- Subject: January, 2001 Congressional Delegation to Iraq
Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2000 03:17:02 EDT
From: Rick McDowell
I am currently working with the Dominican Order of North America and other faith-based organizations in an attempt to organize a Congressional delegation to Iraq. We are trying to expand the base of support for this very important initiative. We would like to enlist the endorsement of the Antiochian Orthodox Church, Kaldean Church and others who have a presence in Iraq. Any help you could offer would be sincerely appreciated. I have attached the letter calling for endorsements and a list of faith-based organizations who have already endorsed the delegation.
We are also asking contituents to contact their member of Congress and invite their participation on the delegation.
Thanks for your time and consideration. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact me at 978-544-9021.
Rick McDowell
Click here for the Endorsement Letter
MY FRIENDS, Every minute and forty-five seconds an infant under the age of 5 dies in Iraq, as a direct result of our destruction of their infrastructure and the U.S.-directed U.N. sanctions against Iraq. THIS IS INFANTICIDE. Our elected officials know this. We have so demonized Hussein that they are afraid of the voter backlash should they do the right thing, the merciful thing, the compassionate thing and direct the U.N. to end the sanctions.From:
- Subject: 3 on Iraq
Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2000 02:57:33 EDT
From: Carolyn Scarr of EPI/CALC
Carolyn Scarr sends us these three items on Iraq. Please pay particular attention to the third. I WILL BE WITH YOU ON THIS. Carolyn ends her message with "Read it and weep -- and act."
Please go to: End the Sanctions Now!
- Subject: ACTION ALERT: Selma's Unfinished March
Date: Wed, 6 Sep 2000 00:36:59 EDT
From: ColorLines
Notorious Racist Mayor Challenged: Selma's Unfinished March to Freedom
To read about this click on: SELMA
"This morning police posing as webmasters for the MOVE organization sent out notices that the MOVE Website had moved and asked people to change their links to the new one. THE SITE HASN'T CHANGED, IT IS STILL"From:
- Subject: ALERT: false Mumia websites
Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2000 15:21:59 -0400
From: *Noquisi* (Day Starr)
To read the rest of this important message, click on: Mumia Website
David Hartsough wants to alert us all to this great upcoming PBS series on nonviolent movements, "A Force More Powerful" to be aired Sept 18 and 25 in the US. Please read about this by clicking on: A Force More PowerfulFrom:
- Subject: A Force More Powerful TV Series
Date: Thu, 17 Aug 2000 13:26:51 -0700
From: David Hartsough
This Urgent Matter is so late in being posted, and I apologize, but there is still time to act. This message was forwarded by my dear friend, Patrick McArron, Vice President, Dignity/USA. I invite you to visit Dignity/USA's Website by clicking on the logo below, but I urge you to address this matter by clicking on: NGLTF.From:
- Subject: [NGLTF] Special Action Request on Hate Crimes
Date: Friday, June 30, 2000 12:03 PM
From: Elizabeth Toledo,
Executive Director, NGGLTF
------------------------------------------Pat writes:
Date: Fri, 4 Aug 2000 22:52:36 -0700
From: Pat McArron, Vice President
For the full text on this vital issue, click on: NGLTF.
GUSH SHALOM - pob 3322, Tel-Aviv 61033From:
- Subject: Israel/Palestine URGENT ACTION
Date: Sat, 29 Jul 2000 10:31:48 EDT
From:Gush Shalom
"We have received alarming news from our friends of the Palestinian Human Rights organization LAW. They report that the entire population of the village Beit Iskarya got orders from the Israeli Military to pack and leave. Beit Iskarya is located in an area which is likely to be on the annexation map, and as it now appears the military wants to empty it of its Palestinian inhabitants. While we are still in the process of contacting the different Israeli activists as well as some Knesset Members, we don't want to wait longer with passing this on to you. LAW's initiative should get the most widespread attention. By a timely protest we may this time be able to prevent something from happening. See end of the message for our sample letter."
To read this URGENT ACTION message, click on: Gush
"I received the following message from Esther Ho who has been to the West Bank three times with Christian Peacemaker Teams. I value her experience and insight and forward her suggestion with confidence. Esther has also served on the EPI board for a number of years."
- Subject: Vote-Poll on Jerusalem
Date: Wed, 12 Jul 2000 01:44:23 EDT
From: Esther Ho
"Dear Friends, I think it is very important for us to use this opportunilty
to make it clear that Jerusalem must be shared. I am not completely satisfied
with any of the four choices given in the poll, but progressive religious
groups and others have been trying to get out the message for a long time
that in order for there to be peace in the Middle East, Jerusalem must
be shared and open to people of all religions. Certainly options 1 or 2
would be preferable to either 3 or 4. Please take a couple minutes to make
your voice heard on this issue."
Newsweek's Live Vote this week asks "What should Jerusalem's future be?" The four options are:
1. The city should be a self-governing Vatican-style state.
2. It should be divided between the Jews and the Palestinians.
3. Israel should have control over it.
4. A new Palestinian state should incorporate it.
Currently option 3 has the highest number of votes. Please go to the website and register your vote. Although this is not a scientific poll, it will claim to indicate popular opinion on the issue. YOU MUST VOTE BY FRIDAY, JULY 14 BY 5 PM EDT.
The direct link is
Or you may go to Newsweek's website:;
click on National News; scroll down to Live Vote and vote!
The california state senators and assemblypersons are going to allow Quackenbush to resign and not investigate this mess fully. We must not let this happen.From:
- Subject: Quackenbush investigation
Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2000 13:57:40 EDT
From:Joan MacIntyre
You are urged to read the rest of this message, with names and adresses of some of your representatives and how others may be reached, by clicking on: Ins. Co.s ducks all in a row, & one got out of line.
Apologies in advance for sending this circular, but it is important...From:
- Subject: Rainforest Petition
Date: Tue, 20 Jun 2000 22:11:04 -0700
From:Edward & Janet Gibson
This is important for all of us!!!
Brazilian congress is now voting on a project that will reduce the amazon forest to 50% of its size. The area to be deforested is 4 times the size of Portugal and would be mainly used for agriculture and pastures for live stock...
To read, add your name and forward this petition, you may click on: SAVE THE RAINFOREST!!!
Have you hugged a tree today?
Date: Thu, 22 Jun 2000 14:34:28 EDT
Folks, this is not just a Berkeley issue. It impacts even beyond the fifteen listening areas of the Pacifica stations, for they sometimes stand alone in bringing us, as Roger Moore would say, the Awful Truth. For message and petiton, click on: SAVE PACIFICA!
Town Crier acts always in the public interest. You should be aware of things that affect you life, and your loved ones'. Is there a connection between tornados and homosexuality. Read this startling report: Do Unnatural Acts Cause Natural Disasters?From:
- Subject: Tornadoes & Homosexuality
Date: Thursday, May 25, 2000 4:35 PM
From:Peter M.J. Hess
6.11 p.m. ET (2222 GMT) June 6, 2000From:
- Subject: Nuclear officials, activists clash over depleted uranium in Vieques
Date: Fri, 9 Jun 2000 00:33:04 EDT
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) - Environmental activists clashed with a U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission official Tuesday over cleanup plans that could leave buried some of the radioactive depleted uranium rounds mistakenly fired on the Navy's Vieques bombing range.
Nastier and nastier, folks. For the rest of the article, click on: Uranium.
To illustrate the truly international scope of the non-violent revolution goin on on the Puerto Rican "sister" island of Vieques, read this communique and statement:From:
- Subject: Apoyo del Dalai Lama / Dalai Lama supports Vieques
Date: Tue, 6 Jun 2000 11:15:44 -0100
From: Robert Rabin - Nilda Medina
6 June, 2000
Press Release
The struggle of the people of Vieques received an important message of support from the Dalai Lama, spiritual leader of Buddhism. The message came in response to a petition for support from Hector Rosario, a Puerto Rican graduate student at Dartmouth in New Hampshire in coordination with the Committee for the Rescue and Development of Vieques. The text of the short message reads as follows:
H.H. the Dalai Lama
I am concerned by the terrible effects on people, animals and plants of Vieques, an island in the archipelago of Puerto Rico, as a result of the military exercises conducted on the island. I am told that because of the pollution from these military exercises the cancer rate in Vieques is much higher than on the main island. I therefore support the action of the people of Vieques in protesting against such military exercises.
May 8, 2000
This important message of solidarity from the maximum leader of the Buddhist world, adds to a long list of religious leaders representing all the spiritual tendencies that have expressed support for the struggle for peace on Vieques and for the action of all Puerto Ricans to end the military presence on the Island of Vieques.
Contact: Robert L. Rabin, CPRDV (787) 741-0716
- Subject: Amnesty International Urgent Action Network
Date: Monday, 5 June 2000 1:45 am PDT
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