Janet C. Gibson
Candidate for Trustee, AUSD Board of Education, District Alameda
APA Caucus
Member? N
1) Why are you seeking our endorsement? What does the APA Caucus
endorsement mean to you? APA encourages and promotes the involvement of
Asian Pacific Americans in our country's electoral process. I fully support this
endeavor and am acutely aware that approximately 30 per cent of the students we
serve are of Asian and Pacific Islander ethnicity. I believe that my experience,
integrity, and knowledge as an incumbent will be compatible for your
endorsement. As a lifelong activist for the principle's of diversity and
inclusiveness, I would feel honored to receive APA's endorsement and support.
Your endorsement would reflect my values and commitments.
2) List any endorsements you have received. I have been endorsed
by the Alameda Education Association (local teachers), the Alameda Democratic
Club, and the Green Party of Alameda County.
While I am still
compiling my endorsement list, I expect to be endorse by a diverse spectrum of
Alameda citizens. Some of my confirmed supporters include: Tracy Jensen
(AUSD School Board Member) Nick Cabral Karen Lucas (former City Council
Member) Anne DeBardeleben (past president, Alameda Education Foundation)
Doug Siden (board, East Bay Regional Parks) Ann Johnsen Ashley Jones
Gretchen Mackler Lipow Dr. Arthur Lipow Dr. Marvin and Jo Winzenread
Clare Porter Pat Flores Del Martin
If we endorse you, will you use our name in your campaign materials?
3) If elected, what are your top priorities during your term? What would
you like to accomplish and how would you go about doing so? Please be
specific. The top priorities are 1)Selecting a new Superintendent; 2)
Providing a top quality educational system for all students in Alameda; and
3)Improving our Fiscal Resources
I will use my experience of working
with the past 7 Alameda superintendents to judge and recommend an educational
leader for Alameda who is compatible with the values and aspirations of our
community. I understand education and have had 31 years of pre-school through
high school teaching in Alameda. I helped develop our district's Vision, Master
Plan and Goals, and know how to evaluate information and presentations presented
for Board decisions. I have lobbied in Sacramento to change our inequitable
funding status and have met with Alamedans who have proposals on how to improve
our fiscal and educational well-being. The board must offer opportunities for
community input_ and involvement. We need the best thinking from all segments of
our community to face the challenges ahead.
4) How have you in the past and how will you in the future use your
position to expand the presence and influence of Asian Pacific Americans in
public policy and politics? I have participated in a number of diversity
trainings, and, as a special education teacher, my concern has always been for
those persons who are neglected, under-represented or in some way "invisible" to
the majority. I supported and participated in activities at Alameda's
Multicultural Center and bring my love and knowledge of diverse cultures to any
of my involvements.
District committees and staffing should, if at
all possible, reflect the ethnic balance of our schools and community. I have
supported this in the past and will in the future.
5) What have you done that demonstrates your commitment to and
effectiveness in promoting Asian Pacific American interests in the following
areas (and if you have not contributed in these areas, please discuss any
area(s) in which you have made a contribution): Over this past term I
have worked with our Superintendent and other board members to develop an equity
policy. The social and economic diversity of our island community demand that we
continually pay attention to the needs of all students.
I am a
co-chair (representing the AUSD) on the Alameda Collaborative for Children,
Youth and Families. I've worked to establish the "Season of Non-Violence"
throughout our school district. This ACCYF event ends with a city-wide Speech
Contest for middle and high school youth. We help agencies, such as the Asian
Mental Health group, make connections with each other in order to better serve
the community.
I have supported the efforts of our school district to
establish "sister" cities (one last year in China) through which classes
communicate with each other across the continents.
6) Additional information: Growing up in San Mateo during World
War Two, I was forever touched by the, almost overnight, loss of my Japanese
schoolmates. My parents discussed the unfairness of their internment at Tanforan
Race Track and I remember our later reunions in Junior High and High School. My
schools and community had great diversity and I thrived with that
Later, I became interested in social justice and was
involved in the civil rights movement. I received my Master's Degree at Boson
University School of Theology and, while there, did volunteer work with severely
handicapped adults. This led me into the path of becoming a
As an educator, I not only advocated for my students and
families, but became an advocate for my fellow teachers. I serve on the
Executive Board of the Alameda teachers, was a representative to CTA State
Council and was sent to many NEA Representative Assemblies. This broadened my
experiences of making state and national education policy. Now I use this
experience and knowledge as a school board member.
you for this opportunity, Janet Gibson
Submitted: 22 September