This website is for an organization that is in the process of formation.

If you are interested in helping to form a center for peace and justice in the Vallejo/Benicia area, please contact us at:

I am Daniel Zwickel ben Avrám

Meanwhile …

Fight for Democracy and Voting Integrety

I don't care what side of the aisle you inhabit, if you fear the ascendancy of the Orange One to the White House Throne, register with the Green Party, and why is simple: The majority of us citizens must have a voice and a place at the table. We must attain legitimacy. You can vote any way you choose, but your voice will never be heard as long as the RepubliDems have the system gamed.

Besides, the Green Party (and Greg Palast & Black Box Voting) are leading the fight against massive voting fraud. To find out about the Recount and help make it happen, Go to the Greens.

Download Greg Palast's great documentary, "The Best Democracy Money Can Buy." Nowhere will you find a more authoritative source, or gain a better education on the subject.

And Black Box Voting is still on the job. Check 'em out.

Then seethe. Then get busy. We've work to do.



Novato, California, mid-November, 2016. Click on photo to view full-size.

Stand with Standing Rock

Help my good friend and dedicated peace warrior Mike Kerr go to Standing Rock.

Here are just a few:

Oepi Sakowin Camp
(Seven Council Fires)

Red Warrior Camp

Rosebud Camp

Sacred Stone Camp

They are our water-protectors!

I had been (half-) joking with my friends that if the Orange One goes through with his threat to force Muslims to register, I'd become one myself. I already have my Sufi name, Shakurallah.

The more I joked, the more determined I was to follow through. Then these guys came along, through Causes.

I signed the pledge. Will you?

I was weaned on pacifism, and my Pacifist Nation website is a reflection of that. But be warned: Pacifist Nation is no place for wimps. Enter at your own peril. In fact, here are my folks and I in front of the Concord Naval Weapons Station on the first anniversary of Gulf War I:

I'm not really afraid of Climate Change. Homo Saps are pretty good at adaptation through technology, though eventually I'll probably need a canoe to navigate downtown Vallejo. That it's probably too late to do anything about it — not to mention this being the Era of the Orange One, who considers ignorance a virtue and has elevated it to a high art — didn't stop me from taking a potshot at the subject in my little essay, complete with a Cautionary Tale, titled "Pogo Got It Right". Check it out.

And if you agree with me that blasphemy and heresy are virtues, my shortest short story (115 words) may tickle you: Jesus On the Balcony.

Finally (for the moment), for a musical treat, here's my "Hail Mary" (Ave Maria). Listen for the shecheheyanu and Klezmer clarinet in the middle, an Oy Vey Maria moment for sure! Shalom.