
SOA Watch West News ~ SOAWW News ~ May 30, 2001
Wed, 17 Jan 2001 15:29:09 -0700 ~


(1)   Rep. Joseph Moakley: dead of leukemia

(2)   Needed: cosponsors for HR 1810. A fitting tribute to Rep. Moakley!
(3)   Charlie Liteky: moved from Prison Camp to adjacent Federal Correctional Institution, article from Santa Barbara News-Press
(4)   Time to be active?

   San Francisco SOAW meeting on Thursday, June 7, 7:00 to 8:30 PM    Unitarian Universalist Center, Franklin at Geary, San Francisco ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

(1) May 29, 2001
A BOSTON GLOBE EDITORIAL - John Joseph Moakley - Page A14

John Joseph Moakley's life had a wholeness to it
that is rare in any person, let alone a successful politician with national influence. He will be remembered fondly, and with great respect, as someone who never left his neighborhood in spirit as he spent the second part of his life gaining the power to do good in Washington.

Moakley was a child of the Depression, when the friendships and support network of a cohesive urban neighborhood were vital. Like many people in South Boston, he only left it when a cause of great urgency beckoned - World War II - even though he had to lie about his age to enlist in the Navy. Once demobilized, he began the career of a successful neighborhood politician: first Suffolk Law School; a losing battle, then a victory for state representative; then on to the state Senate. The emergence of Louise Day Hicks and the anti-busing movement threatened to derail his attempt to succeed US Representative John McCormack, the House Speaker and another consummate insider.

Moakley then proved he was no conventional politician. He abandoned the Democratic Party to run as an independent against Hicks in 1972. "That was the Hail Mary ball," he once told a reporter. He lost South Boston, but won the district, and was on his way to national leadership. Representative Thomas P. (Tip) O'Neill, soon to be the Speaker, recognized a similarly skillful legislator in Moakley, and put him on the Rules Committee, where bills could be made or broken by an insider's nod. Moakley became the chairman in 1989.

He remained capable of the boldness that characterized his run against Hicks. Hearing from Salvadoran refugees in his district that they were victims of political persecution, he became interested in Central American issues. When a death squad massacred six Jesuits in San Salvador, he headed an investigation to seek the truth about Salvadoran army involvement and succeeded in reducing US aid to the military there. He was not afraid to wield his insider's power in pursuit of justice.

As his district snaked southward because of population shifts, he retained overwhelming voter support. He influenced the shape of the South Boston waterfront by pushing for construction of the federal courthouse (now named after him) and by telling Bob Kraft that the neighborhood wanted no part of a Patriots stadium. He remained a son of South Boston, while gaining respect throughout the broader Massachusetts community.

Thoroughly at home in the 21st century, he recalled for many a more hardscrabble yet emotional rich time 60 or 70 years ago. "These people out there, they're my boss," he said of his constituents. "I work for them." Joe Moakley will be missed for his clout, and his humanity.

(2) HR 1810, the House bill to close WHISC, The Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation at Ft. Benning, GA.

Thank those who have already signed on as Co-sponsors:
   Rep. Sam Farr, Rep. Barbara Lee, Rep. George Miller

Urge these Reps to become Co-sponsors NOW in memory of Rep. Joseph Moakley.
   Rep. Mike Thompson, Rep. Lynn Woolsey, Rep. Nancy Pelosi, Rep. Tom Lantos, Rep. Anna Eshoo, Rep. Mike Honda, Rep. Zoe Lofgren, Rep. Pete Stark, Rep. Ellen Tauscher, Rep.p. Robert Matsui, Rep. Douglas Ose.


   1. Call 202-224-3121 (Capitol Switchboard)
   2. Urge your Representative to co-sponsor HR 1810 to close WHISC. Contact Cindy Buhl (Rep. McGovern's office) or John Hendricks (Rep. Scarborough's Office) to co-sponsor.
   3. Mention the life and concerns of Rep. Joe Moakley and the harsh sentences given to those who witness nonviolently including Charlie Liteky (now in his 10th month of his 12-month sentence).
   4. E-mail Dolores Priem ( with any important information you learn from your call.

Representatives Jim McGovern (D-MA), Joe Scarborough (R-FL), Joe Moakley (D-MA) - now deceased, Connie Morella (R-MD), Christopher Shays (R-CT), and Lane Evans (D-IL) introduced a bill to close the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation on Thursday, May 10, 2001.

The bill, HR 1810, is modeled after last year's Moakley/Scarborough/McGovern/Campbell amendment to the Defense Authorization Bill. It calls for the closure of the school and the establishment of a joint congressional task force to assess U.S. training of Latin American military. For text of bill visit Congressional web site,

The school's name has changed - but the courses, instructors, and purpose remain the same.

(3) May 29, 2001

Medal of Honor recipient now leads a life of civil disobedience New battles to fight
By Nora Wallace, Santa Barbara (CA) News-Press

(4) Time to be active? Contact Dolores Priem (


School of the Americas Watch West News Update
Wed, 17 Jan 2001 15:29:09 -0700

Fr. Roy Bourgeois, founder of SOA Watch will speak in our area!

Tuesday, Feb. 13, San Francisco
4 to 6 PM
"Rallying to Close SOA II"
A student forum - for all students of peace - whatever age
Univ. of San Francisco, Lone Mountain Campus, Pacific Rim Room Contact: Office of University Ministry, 415.422.4463

Tuesday, Feb. 13, San Francisco
6 to 9 PM
SOA Watch Benefit Dinner
Univ. of San Francisco, McLaren Center
Donation: $100 per person
Contact: Marjorie Donalds, 415.386.7384

Thursday, Feb. 15, Walnut Creek
7 to 9 PM
Grace Presbyterian Church, Oak Room
2100 Tice Valley Road
Contact: Natalie Russell, 925.934.0759

Information below on these topics:

1. Names old and new: SOA becomes WHISC (Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation)

2. KQED Channel 9 broadcast of "Enemies of War" on Sunday, Jan. 21 at 6 PM. The documentary focuses on Rep. Moakley's investigation of the murders of the 6 Jesuits and 2 women in San Salvador on Nov. 1989.

3. Upcoming San Francisco Meeting
Thurs. Feb. 1 from 7:00 to 8:30 PM
Unitarian Universalist Center, Franklin at Geary

4. SOA Watch Strategy Meeting in Washington, DC


1. Responses to names old and new (SOA becoming WHISC)

~ Wed. Jan. 17, 3:30 to 5:00 PM, San Jose
Demonstration from Bellarmine College Prep to the Federal Building
Contact: William O'Connell, 408.379.5441

~ Laurel Paget-Seekins, Oberlin College senior from Philo, CA will take part in the nonviolent action at Ft. Benning on Jan. 17. Oberlin student Becky Johnson is committed to fast and vigil at the main gate throughout the month of January. Regular updates available at (See Laurel's story below.)

~ SOA Watch activists are visiting the N. CA offices of 14 Representatives and 2 Senators

~ Individual action: Send letters calling for the closing of WHISC to the DC offices of your Representative and Senators Feinstein and Boxer

2. "Enemies of War" is an excellent documentary about the investigation by Congressman Joseph Moakley into the assassination of the 6 Jesuits and 2 women in El Salvador in 1989. Moakley's findings forced him to question a decade of U.S. policy. The investigative work of Rep. Moakley and his aide (now Rep.) Jim McGovern is one of the three themes/stories running through the hour long documentary. "Enemies of War" was shown at the 1999 Teach In at Ft. Benning. Also shown at the SOA Watch West Dinner in San Francisco a year ago.

~ KQED Comment Line: 415.553.2100

3. The Thurs. Feb 1 meeting in SF focuses on the help still needed for the events with Fr. Roy.

4. Feb. 3-4 will be the national SOAW Strategy Meeting in Washington, DC.
Send any questions or concerns beforehand to Larry Lauro (San Jose) who will represent us all. Contact:


January 14, 2001
Contact: Laurel Paget-Seekins (513) 254-8163
SOA Watch (202) 234-3440
For info:


To help expose and close the School of the Americas and its successor the Western Hemisphere Institute of Security Cooperation (WHISC), concerned citizens are holding a fast and vigil for the month of January outside the gates to Ft. Benning, in Columbus, Georgia. Laurel Paget-Seekins, 20, of Philo, California is joining the vigil and plans to risk arrest, and a possible prison sentence, in an act of nonviolent civil disobedience on January 17th when the SOA is reopened as WHISC.

Ft. Benning hosts the U.S. Army's School of the Americas and its successor, the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation. The taxpayer-funded SOA is known as the School of Assassins because many of its graduates have been implicated in large-scale and widespread human rights abuse in Latin America. The WHISC is widely perceived as the SOA's clone. The "reform package" that created the clone passed in the House of Representatives by a narrow 214 - 204 vote margin. It has been called cosmetic by even the school's supporters.

The vigil and fast comes in the wake of the November 19, 2000 Action at Ft. Benning's entrance sponsored by SOA Watch. Paget-Seekins joins the struggle of over 8000 Americans who gathered at the gates in November to voice their opposition to the School of Shame. On that day over 3000 people of conscience risked arrest for "crossing the line" onto the base bearing white crosses inscribed with names of SOA victims. Over 1700 vigilers were booked and given ban and bar letters forbidding them to return to the base.

This vigil and fast recalls Fr. Roy Bourgeois' water-only fast at the same Ft. Benning gate in 1990. That fast inaugurated the School of the Americas Watch, the grassroots organization that has persistently sought the closure of the SOA. This fast and vigil is to renew the effort to end the US involvement in repression in Latin America and to let the Army know we will not be fooled by the name change.

Paget-Seekins, a senior at Oberlin College, says, "By changing the name of the SOA, our government is trying to distance itself from the history of atrocities committed by SOA graduates and at the same time Plan Colombia shows we have not learned from that repressive history. The war on drugs can't become the newest excuse for funding, arming and training militaries in Latin American that repress their own people to maintain vast economic inequality."

January 17, 2001
Dear Family and Friends,

          I was arrested today in an act of nonviolent civil disobedience, protesting the re-opening of the US Army School of the Americas with a new name (Western Hemispheric Institute for Security Cooperation) and a new mission -- to fight the war on drugs in Latin America. I was previously banned from Ft. Benning, the Army base housing the SOA, for 5 years for trespassing in procession of over 4000 protesters in November 1999. My arrest today could result in a maximum sentence of 6 months in federal prison and a $5000 fine for misdemeanor trespass.

          I have taken this action because I feel that I must raise my voice for the thousands who are silenced by the war on drug our country is waging, especially in Colombia and in our inner cities. If I go to prison it will be as a prisoner of war in the war on the poor in both this country and around the world. Our prisons are full of drug offenders and others whose lives and communities are being devastated by drugs and by the criminal justice system's response to drugs. Unfortunately their voices and the voices of the people of Latin America are not being heard by those in power in this country.

          I have chosen to risk prison as part of the struggle against the School of the Americas for a number of reasons. Prison witness has been a very important part of the movement to close the SOA. Over 50 people have served a combined total of about 30 years in prison for protesting the SOA and over 70 others are waiting to hear if charges are being pressed against them. The size and effectiveness of the movement to close the SOA has grown tremendously in response to prison witness. We have managed to pass bills in the House of Representatives, which unfortunately never passed in the Senate, to close the school. In addition there is an incredible support system for prisoners of conscience within this movement.

          I have been working to close the SOA and draw attention to US foreign policy toward Latin America for three years. SOA graduates have been linked to many of the worst human rights abuses in Latin America in the past 50 years. The SOA is where we trained the military leaders of Latin America to uphold our economic interests with whatever methods necessary. Please see for more information on the SOA. We can't let the Pentagon stop our movement by just changing the name of school.

          The SOA movement is currently focusing on the situation in Colombia because we feel we must challenge this new military build up in Latin America. As you may know the US Army symbolically closed the School of the Americas on December 15, 2000 in an attempt to silence the criticism of the school's history and placate the movement demanding its closure. The finer print is that they reopened the school with minor modifications on January 17, 2001 under the new name of the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation. With the name change the US government is trying to make us forget the history of repression in Latin America at the same time as officially changing the focus of our foreign policy from containing communism to fighting the war on drugs. The war on drugs has become our new reason for continuing to fund, train, and arm Latin America militaries. The situation in Colombia right now is the most horrific example. Please see and for more information about Plan Colombia.

          I know it is a privilege to choose to face prison. As a white, middle class American I have a lot of privilege and I wish to use it to help end the injustice and inequality of the society that has given it to me. Going to a minimum security federal prison will allow me to directly experience one side of the war on drugs. I plan on using my voice from prison and after I am released to speak to those in power and to other Americans with privilege about what the war on drugs is doing to the poor and people of color in the US and Latin America.

          It is a deep sacrifice to put yourself in the hands of government and submit to that sort of personal invasion. I have spoken with others who have gone to prison. I have frequent dreams about the federal government harassing me. I am not taking this decision lightly and have been thinking about it for years. I know it will be hard on my friends and family. But I feel strongly that this is a step I must take.

          In taking this action, I am hoping the fact that a promising 20 year old graduating from a prestigious liberal arts college with a degree in mathematics decided to face federal prison instead of graduate school or a lucrative career will help wake people up to the seriousness of the situation. It is only when all of us are doing all that we can that we will be able to make real progressive social change in this country. The way that you can best support me is to educate yourself about what is happening in Colombia and about the role of institutions such as the International Monetary Fund and World Bank in creating even greater poverty of Latin America and around the world. And about the levels of incarceration, execution, and injustice in our criminal justice system in this country. Then please take whatever action you can to challenge the current system of global injustice.


Laurel Paget-Seekins

PS - It is now up to the federal prosecutor to decide whether to press charges against me and it may take months for them to decide and for me to actually come to trial. I could have a trial sometime this spring or summer so I will graduate from Oberlin before I have to serve any time. It is likely I would only be sentenced to 3 months since this is my first violation of my letter banning me from Ft. Benning. I will probably be at the minimum security federal prison for women in Dublin, CA.

School of the Americas Watch West News Update
Wed, 27 Sep 2000 18:09:59 +0100

          (1) Upcoming Meetings in San Francisco First Thursdays: October 5, November 2, and December 7

          (2) Going to Fort Benning, GA?
Annual SOA Protest at the gates of the SOA is November 17-19, 2000. Want to get in touch with others who are going? Contact Midge Donalds at (415) 386-7384.

          (3) Civil Disobedience Training
Saturday, November 4, daytime, San Francisco
Goal: forming Affinity Groups for all those planning on "Crossing the Line" at Ft. Benning on November 19.

          (4) 20th Anniversary Commemoration of 4 Churchwomen
Saturday, December 2, 6 PM, San Francisco
March begins at the Hyatt Regency, The Embarcadero and continues up Market Street to Union Square. The overall focus will be that of solidarity with the people who continue to suffer oppression in Central and South America. SOA Watch West will cosponsor this event with other faith-based and community organizations.

          (5) Colombia Update

The following is a list of web sites that provide helpful information on Colombia.

          Center for International Policy (Robert White, coordinator) (Best US web site!) --- and click on "Current News" for daily updates from newspapers in U.S., U.K., and Colombia (in Spanish)

          Amnesty International/USA

          Colombia Support Network (Cecilia Zarate Laun, coordinator)

          Human Rights Watch (offers documents & books for ordering)

          WOLA (Washington Office on Latin America)

          (6) Another Infamous SOA Grad in the News! The San Francisco Examiner exposes Vladimiro Montesinos, the Military Intelligence Chief of Peru, trusted advisor to President Fujimori. A long article appeared in the San Francisco Examiner on Sunday, 09/24/00 on Page A-2., There is no mention of the fact that he is a 1965 graduate of the SOA (then in Panama). He is a longtime associate of both the CIA and drug traffickers. He is now seeking asylum in Panama! It's time to start publicizing he's an SOA graduate!

Check out the press release on the Montsinos case at

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