SOA Watch – West Guestbook (page 2)

Name:                    Paracaidista "Omar"
E-mail Address:
Comments:             I've worked with a few government militaries in central America (Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras) and I think that you people should consider the fact that if these brave men had not done the first class job that they have done, year to date, the communists would have overrun Central America and would be on our door step!! Communism has no human rights groups to worry about. It must be combatted with all available means, and it was. That's why we won. The courage of these men, some who were graduates of the "School of the Americas", did the dirty work, so Americans didn't have to!!
             Don't condem the system, because we may need it again.
             Thank you.
             Paracaidista "Omar"
Posted:                   Sat, 1 Apr 2000 20:13:09 -0800 (PST)

Name:                    Harriet Tenenbaum
E-mail Address:
Questions:              What do you have in the Santa Cruz area?
Comments:             Great website with important information. I think that you all did a great job of putting together important information about how we all indirectly pay (through our taxes) and are somewhat culpable for the killings of many innocent people in Latin America. I have written both my senators to show support for ending financial support of SOA. As soon as you know who to contact here, I would love to become more involved. Thank you for designing the website!
Posted:                   Sun, 19 Mar 2000 20:33:49 -0800 (PST)

Name:                    Richard John Kinane
E-mail Address:
Comments:             Greetings from Boulder, CO.
Hope to see you all in DC on April 2-3rd.
The SOA-9 (plus Charlie) are in our thoughts and prayers.
Posted:                   Thu, 9 Mar 2000 22:23:51 -0800 (PST)

Name:                    Robert Kuljis
E-mail Address:     LO5INFERNO@AOL.COM
Questions:              Are there any SOA WATCH/ activist groups in or around the Santa Barbara area? We are trying to get organized and are looking for people to work with.
Comments:             Kick ass site!!!!!!!!!
Suggestions:           Keep up the good work!
Posted:                   Mon, 7 Feb 2000 18:16:16 -0800 (PST)

Name:                    Joaquin Casamayor
E-mail Address:
Questions:              Who conceived and created the SOA?
Comments:             Keep up this outstanding work, Daniel!
Suggestions:           Keep up the good work!
Posted:                   Sat, 29 Jan 2000 20:48:48

Name:                    Esther Ho
E-mail Address:
Questions:              Who conceived and created the SOA?
Comments:             I'm glad to know you're on the web. I haven't made it to a demonstration at SOA yet but I have numerous friends who have crossed the line there. One spent 6 months in the clinker for doing so. I have seen the results of SOA in Chiapas, Mexico, where I have spent two summers with the Christian Peacemaker Team. The low-intensity warfare which the government is waging against the indigenous people there shows that the SOA graduates learned very well their lessons of how to intimidate, rape, drive people off their land, torture, murder, etc.
Posted:                   Tue, 28 Dec 1999 10:13:14

Name:                    marco capelli
E-mail Address:
Questions:              Why do our taxes pay for things that almost none of us would like?
Comments:             nice guestbook; nice webpage.
Suggestions:           Keep up the good work!
Posted:                   Fri, 10 Dec 1999 21:56:39

Name:                    Bob Farrell
E-mail Address:
Comments:             nice guestbook;I have been trying for some time to find a valid argument to close the SOA. Even on the SOAW web pages, I have seen nothing but flimsy arguments supported by correlational events. Member of Latin American militaries have committed human rights abuses. Some of them attended the SOA. Therefore the SOA should be closed. That makes about as much sense as closing all the Catholic seminaries because some priests have molested children. If all that exists is correlational evidence, there is more that supports the argument that the SOA promotes human rights by professionalizing the Latin American militaries which allows for the establishment of popularly elected governments. I admit I have an axe to grind. As an active Catholic, it pains me to see so many people with good intentions who are wasting their resources by being fed tons of emotional misinformation.
Posted:                    Thu., 2 Dec 1999 13:58

Name:                    James Osborne
E-mail Address:
Comments:             Great webpage. Keep up the good work fighting to close the School of Americas. I agree with the cause and am looking to do more.
Posted:                   Tue., 30 Nov 1999 11:42:07

Name:                    Francis
E-mail Address:
Questions:              Why exactly was the school started and why was it moved?
Posted:                   Mon., 22 Nov 1999 12:06:56

Name:                    Samantha Lockwood
E-mail Address:
Questions:              Why is this school even here?
Suggestions:           I think the school hould be shut down!
Posted:                   11/18/99 5:07:47 PM

Name:                    William O'Connell
E-mail Address:
Reactions:              I like your website.
Questions:              Do you want a report on what folks in Orange County will be doing on the 21st to demonstrate against SOA?
Posted:                   11/2/99 8:14:18 PM

Name:                    Richard Stump
E-mail Address:
Reactions:              As a former Army Intelligence soldier who knew, worked, and lived with SOA instructors and helped develop interrogation training, I have to say that you are very wrong about the SOA. I have participated in debates (with Jack Nelson-Pallmeyer) and held classes, speeches, etc. I am more than willing to talk to you about this, as well.

Name:                    Dan'l Webster
Reactions:              Oh, & one other thing: A public & a hearty Huzzah & thanx to Rebecca TigerEyze for the yoperson service she put into maintaining this Website. Playing around with it is great fun, but I hate to think of putting something like this together from scratch. My job is easy!
Thanx, 'Becc!
Posted:                   10/11/99 6:24:31 AM
Name:                    Stephanie Levine
Posted:                   10/8/99 8:21:13 PM

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