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On September 1, 1987 the world, largely unaware, was changed fundamentally when Empire was challenged to adhere to the Nuremberg Accords, to which it was a signatory. It responded by assaulting Vietnam veteran S. Brian Wilson with a 250-ton munitions train, severing one leg, crushing the other and leaving his body looking like hamburger meat and his head with a hole through which his brain was visible, while his new bride attempted, with four others, to staunch the bleeding and his new stepson ran, screaming, “They killed my father! They killed my father.” What Empire failed to count on was the resilience, the indomitable spirit of Brian and his deep commitment to ending the horror that is war. He became, not a martyr, but a vibrantly living symbol of joyful resistance to Empire, known and respected the world over. This website will celebrate, as we did Saturday the 1st of September, the transformative power of nonviolence to shatter the paradigm of “We versus They” with compassion and understanding. We invite you to join us in our celebration as we begin to post photos, music and videos. And commit, or re-commit yourselves to the struggle for peace and social, economic and environmental justice by being fully who you are, and who you can be. This webpage is a portal. For content, click on www.NurembergActions.info/ Here are: Nuremberg Actions Photos. We have set up a Nuremberg Actions Historical records of Nuremberg Actions at the Naval Weapons Station, Concord, from June of 1987 to the present, in electronic form, at YahooGroups.If you have any information, comments, stories, updates or photos to share, please send to Mike at: MEKorganic@yahoo.com This Website will only be as good as you make it. Keep in touch! This Website was the brainchild of Hal Carlstad, Michael E.Kerr and Daniel Zwickel ben Avrám, but it didn't get off the ground until after Hal’s passing, and so we dedicate it to him. Hal Carlstad, ¡Presente! Peace!E-mail us:
PeaceHost.net, by clicking on the dove below: ARCHIVED: