Postings Archive Folder 3

25 June to 2 August, 2000 (reverse chronological order)

Subject:   Viequenses en zona de bombardeo Viequenses in bombing range
Date:     Sun, 25 Jun 2000 12:54:42 -0100

25 de junio de 2000


Manifestantes ubicados en la zona de bombardeo

Un núcleo de manifestantes por la paz de Vieques penetraron exitosamente ayer en el área de bombardeo de la Marina de Guerra de EU en la Isla Nena. Mientras agentes federales y policía militar arrestaban a treinta y seis personas en la zona de la verja militar a dos millas al norte del portón de Campamento García, un núcleo de manifestantes logró entrar al área de bombardeo al extremo este de la isla.

A group of protestor for Peace in Vieques successfully ppenetrated the US Navy´s bombing zone on the Puerto Rican island of Vieques yesterday. While federal agents and military police arrested thirty six protesters inside the perimeter fence close to the entrance to Camp García, another group made it to the bombing area

Según Carlos Zenón, uno de los coordinadores de las acciones de desobediencia civil, temprano en la mañana de hoy (domingo) se recibió la comunicación indicando que la misión de penetrar el área de tiro fue exitosa. "El objetivo de nuestras acciones de entrada a la zona restringida en estos días es ubicar gente en posiciones de servir de escudos humanos en el área de bombardeo. Podemos asegurarles que hay un grupo de nuestra gente en la zona de impacto preparados para quedarse allí por varios días," dijo el veterano líder de la lucha viequense.

El liderato de la oposición a la presencia militar en Vieques está trabajando en forma unida para mantener una constante presencia de personas en la zona de tiro hasta que termine el periodo del bombardeo anunciado por la Marina para esta semana.

Subject:   A Vieques Protesters to Vieques
Date:     Mon, 26 Jun 2000 08:52:33 -0100
26 June, 2000


Call for protesters to come to Vieques in opposition to Navy bombing

The Committee for the Rescue and Development called today for organizations and individuals in solidarity with the cause of Peace for Vieques to travel to the island municipality today, Monday and during the resto of this week to participate in protests and actions of civil disobedience to denounce the US Navy bombing here.

The Peace and Justice Camp, in front the Navy base, Camp García, will be the meeting point for protesters who should bring their camping equipment and provisions. At the camp people will receive instructions about participation in the protest actions that will take place over the next several days under the direction of Vieques´ community leaders.

A vigil in front of the entrance to Camp García will be held each night this week in support of protesters inside the bombing area and for those who will be entering next.

The Committee for the Rescue and Development called today for organizations and individuals in solidarity with the cause of Peace for Vieques to travel to the island municipality today, Monday and during the resto of this week to participate in protests and actions of civil disobedience to denounce the US Navy bombing here.

The Peace and Justice Camp, in front the Navy base, Camp García, will be the meeting point for protesters who should bring their camping equipment and provisions. At the camp people will receive instructions about participation in the protest actions that will take place over the next several days under the direction of Vieques´ community leaders.

A vigil in front of the entrance to Camp García will be held each night this week in support of protesters inside the bombing area and for those who will be entering next.

Subject:    Comunicado carta a Clinton Letter to Clinton
Date:     Fri, 30 Jun 2000 09:44:42 -0100



During the meeting between Puerto Rican political leaders and President Clinton on Wednesday, 28 June, in Washington, D.C., the people of Vieques delivered a letter to Clinton in which they protested the recent bombings and expressed their rejection of the presidential directives about Vieques. The letter was hand delivered to Clinton by the President of the Popular Democratic Party, Sila María Calderón.

The letter, signed by Nilda Medina, spokeswoman for the Committee for the Rescue and Develoopment of Vieques (CRDV), stated that "judging from the public information that comes out of the White House, it appears that you are not being told the truth about the situation on our island." In the letter to Clinton, the CRDV emphasized that "three more years of bombing, without guarantee that the Navy will leave, is not an acceptable solution. Ordering the Navy out, without any more bombing, is acceptable."

Together with the letter, the CPRDV sent a list of the Vieques community organizations that make up the Coordinating Committee for Peace and Justice on Vieques, that support the delcarations contained in the letter.

Included, copy of letter to the President.

TELEFAX (787) 741-0716 E MAIL:

25 June, 2000

William J. Clinton
President of the United States of America
The White House Washington, D.C.
Dear Mr. President

We take this opportunity to inform you of the grave situation caused by the presence and activities of the US Navy on the Island of Vieques. Judging by the public information that comes from the White House, it appears you have not been told the whole truth about the situation on our island.

During the last sixty years, Vieques has been bombed constantly, as if we were at war, causing physical, spiritual, emotional damages as well as devastating environmental destruction. Federal laws have been violated daily. The population of this beautiful island is denied the right to live in peace, a right that is guaranteed by the federal and Puerto Rican constitutions.

It is incomprehensible for us that the U.S. Navy continuously carries out military maneuvers on land, air and sea in such close proximity to the populated area of our island, risking the lives of many human beings. The United States claims to be a stalwart of human rights. However, the military presence and activities here violate the basic human rights of our people.

We ask that you take into consideration the unified commitment demonstrated by the Puerto Rican people in this matter. A Special Commision to Study the Situation of Vieques, created by the Governor of Puerto Rico, and representatives of all sectors of Puerto Rican society, concluded that the only solution to the crisis created by the Navy´s presence and actions here, is the immediate and permanent cessation of all military activities.

The historic demands of the people of Vieques are: demilitarization, decontamination, return of lands to our people and sustainable economic development.

We know your meeting with our political leaders will help you understand why the overwhelming majority of our people oppose the continued Navy use of Vieques. They will talk to you about our children who die from cancer, our sick and unemployed and the hope for a better future that is only possible in a Vieques without the Navy presence. Three more years of bombing, with no guarantee that the Navy will leave, is not an acceptable solution. Ordering the Navy out without any more bombs of any kind is.

Thank you,
Nilda Medina Díaz
For the CRDV

Subject:   Arrestados 4 de julio Arrests 4th of July
Date:     Wed, 5 Jul 2000 08:16:31 -0100

July 4, 2000



Around 20 people were arrested by military police after penetrating the US Navy´s restricted zone today at 1:30 in the afternoon. The group, made up mostly of University of Puerto Rico law students, arrived at the gate to Camp García from inside the base where they were arrested.

Simultaneously, the Vieques Women´s Alliance formed a human chain in the street in front of Navy´s gate to contrast the unity of the people with the agression simbolized by the military fence. During the act, the participants handed out a document titiled, Declaration of the Puerto Rico Civil Disobedients.

Without any provocation, military personal sprayed pepper gas on those being arrested as well as on the Puerto Rican police who guard the Navy´s gate. People participating in a peacefull demonstration in the street directily in front of Camp García ? including children and elderly - were also affected by the gases. A member of the Tactical Operations Unit of the PR police attacked with pepper spray a young woman while she filmed the incident.

Among the arrested are representatives of the Yayi Key Collective, Peace and Justice Camp, solidarity groups from Mayaguez and Aguadilla. Support for the actions came from the Friends of Vieques Collective (UPR) and the Vieques Horsemen for Peace group and the Committee for the Rescue and Development of Vieques.

The activities in Vieques were part of a series of actions in support of the struggle of the Viequenses that took place also in Ponce, San Juan and several US cities. Spokesmen for the Vieques struggle indicated that penetrations into the Navy restricted zone would continue as part of the non violent civil disobedience movement directed at calling attention to the injustices committed by the US Navy on this island municipality.

Leaders of the Vieques struggle also expressed solidarity with the members of the Puerto Rico Independence Party and others arrested and jailed for the Vieques cause.

Subject:   Report from Camp Peace and Justice for Vieques
Date:     Sat, 8 Jul 2000 16:52:26 -0100

8 July, 2000

Warm greetings of solidarity from Vieques. Here we present a brief summary of recent events in the struggle for Peace on Vieques. Last week end - 1 and 2 July - we held the First International Triatholon for Peace in Vieques, with the participation of athletes from Puerto Rico, Canada, United States, Ecuador, Chile, Hong Kong, St. Vincent, Brazil, among other countries. The event was coordinated with the Committee for the Rescue and Development of Vieques (CRDV) and promoted as an expression of athletic solidarity with the Vieques cause.

During the Vigil held on Saturday night, more than 400 people at Peace and Justice Camp (accross the street from the entrance to the Navy installation of Camp García) protested the Navy presence and listened to chemist, Dr. Neftalí García, environmental and scientific advisor to the CPRDV, on the horrible effects of military contamination on the health of our people.

Around 11:00PM, a military school bus approached the gate from inside Camp García, ready to leave and turn onto the road where we were protesting. We sustained a moving picket line for more than half an hour before finally the Puerto Rico Police brigade (Riot Police) crossed the road in formation to allow the Navy bus to leave the area.

On Monday, 3 July, the Friends of Vieques Collective - a group of Puerto Rican university students who maintained for months a resistence camp in the bombing area - presented the documentary: Vieques: chronicles from disobedience. On a big screen hundreds of residentes of Vieques watched the documentary - a photo narrative on the life in the resistence camps and the arrests by Navy and federal agents on 4 May, 2000. The students brought several singers and offered a very special night of art and music at the sevice of our strguggle for peace.

On the 4th of July, we held a series of activities to denounce the military presence, taking advantage of the Independence Day celebration in the US. At 12 noon, the Vieques Women´s Alliance celebrated an activity in front of the gate to Camp García, including a drama about the struggle and a human chain symbolizing the unity of the people.

Around 1:30 in the afternoon, 16 people who had entered the Navy´s restricted zone, appeared on the road inside Camp García. The group consisting mainly of law students from UPR, together with representatives of the Yayí Key Collective and the Peace and Justice Camp, walked until they reached the gate where they were arrested. Waiting at the gate were several military policemen who, without the least provocation or justification, turned on a machine that sprayed pepper gas at those being arrsted, the Puerto Rican policemen outside the gate and dozens of peacefull protesters in the street,including children and older folks. This was a show of force indicative of the brutality and insensibility that characterizes the abuses practiced against the people of Vieques by the US Navy.

An hour after the arrest of the 16, military personnel brought the prisioners out of Camp García in a large bus, not before the Puerto Rico Riot Police had to clear the street of delegates from the Friends of Vieques Collective, who put their bodies on the line in defense of those arrested. In the process, the police also sprayed people with pepper gas, imitating the earlier actions of the military police.

We need to recongnize the extraordinary work of the Puerto Rican/Viequense youth in this difficult phase of the struggle. The example of valor and sacrifice that the Collective Friends of Vieques - a contingent of Puerto Rican university students dedicated to the defense of Bieke - clearly showed us their capacity to organize, in a disciplined manner, significant actions against the military violence.

At the same time we must mention the important participation of Vieques youth in the civil disobedience actions here during the past months. The "guides" that have helped guarentee the entrance into the Navy's restricted area and arrive at the impact zone and other areas inside the military base, have been mainly young people of Vieques. The Horseman for Peace, is a Vieques youth group dedicated to the liberation of their people from the miltary yoke. The Vieques Youth United has organized a series of activities to raise consciousness and are preparing to participate in upcoming civil disobedience actions. The continuity of this struggle is well guaranteed!

Also during the past week end, we began construction in the Peace and Justice Camp, of a "housing" facility for people who arrive to participate in the many actions related to our struggle. Guelo, compañero from Vega Baja and the musician-arquitect of the Vieques struggle - Noel Hernández - prepared the plans and began the building of the facility that should be finished in the next couple of weeks. All donations for this proyect are welcome.

The Committee for the Rescue and Develoment of Vieques is the principal support organization for Viequenses arrested. During the civil disobedience actions in which Viequenses have been arrested, the CRDV covers costs of transporting arrested and family to and from Vieques and the main island. Often this is after regular hours of the ferry and airplane services. The Committee has paid gasoline for fishermen to transport our people home and has rented airplanes at night for the same purpose. These costs, as well as bail costs are accumulating.

Any fianancial support can be sent to the CRDV at Box 1424 Vieques, PR 00765.

Tomorrow (Sunday, 9 July) we receive a delegation of Federal Employees for Peace in Vieques. In coordination with the CRDV, the groupo of federal workers from Puerto Rico will march from the port area to Camp Peace and Justice, in front of the gates to Camp García.

As we finish writing these notes, we received information that Gazir Sued was arrested last night in his home for refusing to pay $1000.00 bail after being arrested with the Vieques Horsemen for Peace in June. Tito Kayak is in solitary in the federal jail in San Juan for fasting. We express our profound solidarity and love for both compañeros and exhort all those who support the Vieques struggle to remain informed about the situation of Tito and Gazir as well as many members of the PIP who are still in jail for their recent civil disobedience actions here.

In Struggle, In Solidarity
Robert Rabin CRDV

Subject:   Informe de Vieques // Vieques Update
Date:     Mon, 24 Jul 2000 08:33:14 -0100

Informe desde Vieques 23 de julio de 2000

Warm greetings from Vieques. During the past few weeks we have witnessed an increase in action by the Navy and by the forces of our community. Every day a large number of military vehicles enters and leaves Camp García with personnel, equipment and materials. Wood, light posts, cement, stone, sand, cables, barbed wire of all types.

On several ocassions, Navy trucks have crashed into the gate to the base because of their exagerrated size. Two Saturdays ago, a very big platform truck carrying construction materials, part of a caravan of military vehicles crossing Vieques from north to south with its Puerto Rico police escort, destroyed a car belonging to an old man in the Destino sector. The police had to calm the yells of NAVY OUT and YANKEE GO HOME by neighbors furious at what they saw. At the gate to Camp García (entrance to the Navy´s bombing and training areas) the convoy was met by a large group gathered at the Peace and Justice Camp, in front of the gate, who vigorously protested the use of the civilian roads by these military vehicles. A shouting match ensued with the Riot Squad of the Police, a force that acts as a private security group for the US Navy in Vieques.

Two days later, another flatbad truck carrying a bulldozer, snapped an electric cable in the Martineau section of Vieques. A young worker from a nearby hotel construction site, had to be hospitalized for burns caused when he tried to move the electric line from the road to avoid a terrible accident with oncoming cars. On several ocassions we have denounced - as we did again - the dangerous and indignant use by military vehicles of the roads in the civilian sector.

During the week end of 13 to 16 July, we celebrated here the First Viequense Festival in Honor of the Virgin of Carmen, with the participation of many of Puerto Rico´s best musical talents on a giant stage set up in the baseball park of Barrio Esperanza. Thousands of people from Vieques and from the main island, came to the event that was organized by the Cayo Yayí Collective with the cooperation of the Committee for the Rescue and Development of Vieques (CRDV) and several other community organizations.

During a press conference on 13 July at the Puerto Rican Atheneum in San Juan, we presented the first part of the Guidelines for Sustainable Development of a Free Vieques, prepared by the Technical and Professional Group in Support of Vieques. This effort by tens of Puerto Rican professionals in the area of social and economic development, in coordination with the CRDV, the Vieques Women´s Alliance and the Vieques Conservation Trust, contributes to the articulation of a community vision for development in a Vieques freed from the military presence.

Three representatives of the Vieques struggle spent last week in South Korea and Okinawa, participating in international conferences on the impact of US militarism on communities. Carlos Zenón, Vieques fisherman and leader of the Mount David Camp; Lucy Saldaña of the Peace and Justice Camp and Ismael Guadalupe, veteran leader of the Vieques struggle and principle spokesman for the CRDV, travelled to Asia to speak on the case of Vieques.

The Saturday night vigils at the Peace and Justice Camp continue with the active participation of hundreds of people from Vieques. Religious, political, cultural and youth leaders have made use of the microphone at the vigils to continue denouncing the abuses committed by the Navy and to announce the multiplicity of activities organized by the community groups.

While the Navy espouses its Good Neighbor policy on its new Website on the internet, every day they add barbed wire and dangerous razor wire to their fences that each day look more and more like the border between two countries at war. Seven days a week, military personnel work on the fence that crosses the island from north to south, installing giant rolls of razor wire on the ground and on the top sections of the fence. They also install a very thick steel cable the entire length of the fence (aprox. 6 miles) to add strength before the probability of new entrances by our people into the Navy´s restricted zone.

What the military people cannot understand is that there is not enough barbed wire in the world to stop the march of history which moves steadily toward the liberation of Vieques.

In struggle, in solidarity,
Robert Rabin, CRDV

Subject:   Construcción Albergue Campamento Justicia y Paz de Vieques // Vieques Peace and Justice Camp Shelter
Date:     Wed, 2 Aug 2000 00:50:50 -0100

Construction Project: Peace and Justice Shelter

Vieques Peace and Justice Camp (PJC), in front of the entrance to the Navy facility, Camp García here in Vieques, where the US Navy does its bombing practice, plays a central role in the struggle against the military presence on the island. Currently, a shelter is under construction on the camp grounds to offer housing for the many people who come in solidarity to stay at PJC and participate in protest activities, civil disobedience actions and to offer services for the struggle. We are asking for financial support from people and organizations who solidarize with the Vieques cause to help complete this project.

Peace and Justice Camp

Founded on 4 December, 1999, with the aim of blocking the entrance and exit to the military base, Vieques Peace and Justice Camp was a vital element in the support system for the resistence camps set up in the bombing area until the arrests on May 4th. The PJC became the collection center for provisions - water, food, batteries, medicines, etc. - that were sent daily by fishing boat to the camps in the restricted zone. The PJC was also the center of communications between the civilian population and the resistence camps.

The peacefull civil disobedience action of the PJC was the obstruction, with human bodies, of vehicles, personnel or military equipment through the gate to Camp García. This mission was carried out succesfully until the 4th of May when around sixty people - mainly Viequenses - were arrested, or "kidnapped" by the military forces at the camp.

After May 4th, the PJC reorganized its human, physical and spatial resources to continue as a resistence camp against the military aggresion on Vieques. We receive hundreds of people each week from Vieques, from the main island and from other countries. The camp´s office continues to be the command and communications center during civil disobedience actions. We also serve as headquarters for the Committee for the Rescue and Development of Vieques (CRDV) and meeting and protest space for all the community organizations that struggle for Peace on Vieques. Every Saturday a vigil is held at the camp, coordinated by the CRDV since 1998.

Friend to the camp, Noel Hernández, designed and directs the construction of the Peace and Justice Shelter that began last week and is expected to be finished at mid month. We appeal to those friends in solidarity with the Vieques cause to help us with the costs of this project, estimated to be over five thousand dollars.


For more information please contact the Committee for the Rescue and Development of Vieques at (787) 741-0716 or 375-0525

Donations can be sent to the CRDV at P.O. Box 1424, Vieques, Puerto Rico 00765 or deposited in the Committee´s account:

Banco Popular # 112 868231

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