William Shakespears's Autograph

          A little aside: Did you know that Shakespeare left his signature in the Bible?

It's true, and you can prove it for yourself. Just take a King James Bible, any KJB (this won't work with any other version, for obvious reasons.) Now turn to the 46th Psalm. Then count 46 words from the beginning. Finally, count 46 words from the end (ignore the final word, "Selah". It was not intended to be part of the body of the text.)

So, do the math. William Shakespeare was born in 1564. The KJB was in progress in 1610, the year of Shakespeare's (Guess which!) birthday. Dollars to doughnuts Willie the Shake went to Big Jim and said, "How's about giving me the 46th Psalm to do?" After all, what king, even, would turn down a simple request from William Shakespeare!

("Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me ....") It's true! Look it up.

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