I am a pacifist.
I say that, finally, with pride and confidence and the
awareness of what it implies in the world. In the real
world. And though I sometimes have trouble with
individuals ("I love humanity–it's people I can't
stand" –Charlie Brown) in general I do like people
and wish that everyone would "just get along" (famously,
Rodney King.)
So here's my two-cents'-worth.

The centerpiece of the Project will be a digitally produced film, "Puebla", which will consist of a dramatic reading of my short story of that name intercut with a concert performance of an original composition, "Universalist Mass for the New Millennium".
The first element of the Project is an E-mail message I intend to distribute as widely as possible. It suggests that the "twilight" year of 2000 (the old millennium popularly conceived as ending on December 31st of 1999 and the new millennium actually beginning January 1st, 2001) be considered a "Mulligan" or "do-over". Biblical tradition has it that every 50 years was considered a Jubilee year when all debts were to be forgiven. I suggest that we forgive sins, transgressions and other debts not only on a personal level, but interpersonal, as in Irish-English, Israeli-Palestinian, etc. Every national conflict can be traced back to some transgression or another. If peoples were to forgive each other – Voila! No more war. Simple, huh?
Finally, I would like to suggest a touring concert as a third soapbox, with the suitably over-the-top title, "An Evening of Unforgettable Romance", best described as "sexual-orientation-inclusive." Consisting of all-original songs, some would be presented "straight", some oriented toward gays and some toward lesbians by way of pronoun usage and choreography. I did something like this in the fall of 1994, called "Why can't we all just get along?–Daniel Zwickel in Concert".
I regard the Millennium Jubilee Project as my life's work, the culmination of all that I have been after, musically, philosophically, theologically and politically, since I was first aware of war and injustice in the world. This is my own personal "Commission On Peace and Social Justice" and intend to pursue it with vigor and determination. I welcome all co-missionaries who care to join me in their support.
Yours in shalom/salaam,
Daniel Beck Zwickel-Wicks
Pittsburg, California
If you missed the two links in the text above, and would
like to read the Message, this will take you there:
Jubilee Message
If you wish to check out my proposed film and read
the story, "Puebla", this will take you there:
And to return to Pacifist Nation, this will
get you there:
PN Library