What do we risk (a brief but critical aside.)

Just what are we willing to risk for our beliefs? I did a great deal of soul searching as I saw friends off to a jungle war. As a conscientious objector to war (CO), what do I risk?

Well, my draft board forced me to confront that one. As a CO during the Vietnam War I risked prison, and was fearful, from abundant ancdotal evidence, of physical assault by zealous "patriotic" prisoners and subsequent status as a felon should my draft board deny me co status. I would not flee my country, and particiaption in the military was never an option. My father served time in prison as a co during WW II so I was no stranger to the notion.

All right, I was not risking my life (and being a felon for ehtical or religious reasons carries a certain cachet in some circles), but I did have options. What would I have done were conscientious objection were an act of treason punishable by death? Good one, and I'll answer you honestly: I really don't know. And I'll bet you're going to ask the "What about Hitler?" question next. Also a good one.

All right, what if countries had acted compassinately in the aftermath of WW I and helped Germany as we did at Marshall's suggestion after the Second Big One? Would the German people have followed such a madman? Would Hitler even have been such a madman under other circumstances? History is replete with examples of otherwise civilized persons committing atrocities; Vietnam alone has a bag full of them.

Hypothetical questions are fair game for hypothetical answers so whats the big whup? Bottom line, and here's a biblical reference, especially for all you Christians out there: you reap what you sow. Do you wish to sow peace or sow war? Why would anyone in their right mind want to sow war?
