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About the Sanctions
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Network Members



Welcome to, the home page of the National Network to End the War Against Iraq (NNEWAI).  The Network was established on February 17, 2001 in Denver, Colorado by a conference composed of more than 100 individuals representing 60 organizations from across the United States.  NNEWAI aims to unify the actions and voice of the anti-sanctions/anti-war movement, to increase its effect.  Find out more about the Network and how to get involved. 


Quick Jump:  Current Actions /  Upcoming Actions / Past Actions / Latest on Sanctions 

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For info on our new Iraq Update email list, click here

The National Network on the 9/11 tragedy

Click here for a list of member organization statements


Current Actions


Join thousands of U.S. Citizens and phone or fax President Bush, Secretary of

State Powell and your Senators and Representatives to say no to war and demand

the that the rule of law, not the rule of force, be adhered to in bringing the

perpetrators of the attacks on September 11th to justice. Also ask them to:

* Provide humanitarian relief, not bombardment, to Afghanistan and Afghan


* End the economic war against Iraqi children and families; end the sanctions!

* Say Yes to Palestinian statehood--end the military occupation of Palestine!

Contact President Bush by phone at: (202) 456-2580 or (202) 456-1111, or by e-

mail at: 

Contact Secretary of State Powell by phone at: (202) 647-5291, by fax at: (202)

267-6434, or by e-mail at: 

Contact your Senator or Representative through the Congressional Switchboard at:

(202) 225-3121 or (202) 224-3121. Fax numbers can be accessed on the web at: 



Upcoming Actions

October 7, November 7, December 7:  NATIONAL DAYS OF PEACE  The American Friends Service Committee encourages organizations committed to nonviolence and social and economic justice to join National Days of Peace on the 7th of October, November and December.  National Days of Peace are part of AFSC's "No More Victims" campaign, which seeks peaceful solutions in the aftermath of the September 11 tragedies.


Nov. 25th to Dec. 10th, 2001: NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER AND FASTING The Network is encouraging organizations across the US to participate in fasting, prayer and other activities to commemorate and call attention to the plight of Iraqi civilians suffering the effects of sanctions, ongoing bombings and deteriorating conditions in Iraqi society.  It is recommended that you begin planning your local event now.  For more details, and ideas and suggestions on how to plan an event and more details click here.



Discussions have already begun in preparation for the next Network conference.  Please start thinking about whether your organization or city might be interested in hosting the conference.  The 2001 conference in Denver was held in February.  The 2002 conference will likely be held in February or March



Past Actions

Aug. 6 - Sept. 14, 2001: "Breaking Ranks: A 40 Day Fast to End the Siege of Iraq"
August 6, 2001: National Network Day of Action Against Depleted Uranium
June 16-19, 2001: Advocacy at work in Washington
April 26-28, 2001: National Network Days of Action to End the War on Iraq
April 3, 2001: National Call in Day for the People of Iraq

Feb. 17-18th, 2001: 2nd National Organizing Conference


Lastest on Sanctions

Aug 6: Depleted Uranium, a primer.

June  6: Updated Talking Points on "Smart" Sanctions!

June 5: Network Press Release on "Smart" Sanctions

May 24: Summary of the U.K. Proposal on "Smart Sanctions"

Apr 23:  One Page Flyer: Frequently Asked Questions About  Sanctions

Apr 23:  Ready-to-download Pamphlet in Microsoft Word. Download and add your local info!

March 22, 2001: Sample Op-Ed posted by the Media Working Group


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To contact the Network, write to:  This web site is in the process of development. Please check back later for updates and information. For problems or questions regarding this web contact
Last updated: October 05, 2001.