[If the music for Ascension does not play automatically, and you are in Mozilla Firefox, use the panel below to play it; embedded sound does not always work in Firefox.]
Baruch ata Adonai Eloheinu melech haolam.
[Blessed art thou, O G*D, sovereign of Creation.]Dona nobis pacem.
[Grant us peace.]Asalaamu alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh
[May the peace of Allah descend upon you, and His Mercy and Blessings.]Dona nobis pacem,!
Grant us grace and abundant peace. Amen.
Shalom, salaam, mir, peace.
“They Are Falling All Around Me”
By Bernice Johnson Reagon
They are fallin’ all around me,
They are fallin’ all around me,
They are fallin’ all around me,
The strongest leaves on my tree.
Every paper brings the news that,
Every paper brings the news that,
Every paper brings the news that,
The teachers of my sound are movin’ on.
Death comes and rests so heavy,
Death comes and rests so heavy,
Death comes and rests so heavy,
Your face I’ll never see no more.
But you’re not really goin’ to leave me,
You’re not really goin’ to leave me,
You’re not really goin’ to leave me.
It is your path I walk,
It is your song I sing,
It is your load I take on,
It is your air I breathe,
It’s the record you set that makes me go on,
It’s your strength that helps me stand.
You’re not really goin’ to leave me.I will try to sing my song right,
I will try to sing my song right,
I will try to sing my song right,
Be sure to let me hear from you.
[Copyright © 1997 by Flying Fish, used by permission. You may purchase the mp3 single by clicking on: “They Are Falling All Around Me”, &/or visit their Sweet Honey website.]
“Imagine / Sing To the Heart!”
Imagine ... imagine ....
Imagine in our darkness shines a light with which we see
A hope and promise of a world where we can truly be.
Imagine living in a world where justice will prevail.
And working with compassion in our hearts we cannot fail.Imagine creating a world where people live as one;
Imagine now, my friends, our transformation’s just begun.
[Sing to the center of the universe.]
Sing it out loud and clear, so that everyone can hear.
[Imagine people feeling that they’re no longer apart.]
Sing to the Heart – Sing to the Heart!Baruch ata Adonai,
Eloheinu melech ha’olam;
Halo lechol shirayich ani kinor.
Baruch ata Adonai!
[We praise You, Eternal God,
Sovereign of the universe
Behold, I am a violin for all your songs.]Now sing!
Sing to the center of the universe;
Sing it out loud and clear, so that everyone can hear.
Sing to the Heart – Sing to the Heart!
“Ascencion” & “Imagine/Sing To the Heart”
copyright © 2010 by Daniel B. Zwickel (ASCAP)![]()