Planted by the
Summer/Fall 2004
from the Board President
by Janet Gibson
Ive been a public school teacher all my life and know how important it
is for the public to be knowledgeable about and provide support for our
public schools. Much of what the Bush Administration has promoted in
education ("No Child Left Behind") contains elements which ultimately
undermine public education and support the movement for "vouchers" and the
privatization of public schools. This is just one more good reason why
many hope for a change of national leadership this fall. It should also
stimulate retired seniors and others who have the time, to find a local
school and become a volunteer.
Within the Bay Areas affluent middle class school districts are
individual schools whose socio-economic base is unable to sustain the
parent involvement so evident among high scoring, distinguished schools.
In schools where parent income is high and available time is low, PTAs no
longer organize magazine or cake sales. Parents voluntarily write $200 or
$300 checks to supplement their childs education with extra field trips,
music, and art.
But low income families have limited finances and resources. This is
where individuals and community groups can make a real difference.
Volunteers are desperately needed for reading and math programs and "one
on one" tutoring. Seniors can use their experience and expertise to
contact local businesses to contribute ("Adopt a School") to the
enrichment activities of schools in less affluent neighborhoods. As the
saying goes: "Sometimes help is only a call away." But who will make the
Of course we need to work for better state and local funding, but, in
the meantime, individuals of good will can help "level the playing field"
in public education.
Growing Resistance to Iraq War
by Carolyn S. Scarr
"Learning curves" are a strange thing. While
it took years for U.S. opposition to the war in Vietnam to reach
noticeable numbers, the Iraq war was broadly opposed in the U.S. as well
as abroad in the months before the invasion in March of 2003. That
opposition has continued and widened.
Two United Methodist Conferences passed anti-war resolutions this year,
California-Nevada and before it Northern Illinois. Leading into detailed
proposals for governmental and church action, the California-Nevada
resolution begins with a confessional statement, including:
"We have been silent in the face of national arrogance and greed that
places our nation above the family of nations (the UN) in our actions;
this is evidenced by our governments abrogation of numerous treaties and
the Charter of the UN itself, and the decision to privatize Iraqi oil
allowing foreign corporations to control Iraqi oil;
"We have not resisted enough as our nation took up preemptive and
unilateral war against Iraq, while all rationales for the war have proven
"We have failed to make connections between massive poverty and
humiliation across the world, particularly in Arab countries, and acts of
despair and terror;
"We have failed, in sum, to be the Church, to be agents of Gods peace
and reconciliation on earth, to live by the rule of love which casts out
all fear, and to be faithful witnesses of a justice-demanding God. We are
sorry and we repent, asking Gods forgiveness."
Organized labor has been at the forefront of anti-war efforts. San
Francisco Bay Area labor leader Clarence Thomas was part of an
international delegation of labor leaders who visited labor leaders in
Iraq. Iraqi labor struggled under Saddam Hussein. One of the first acts of
the Coalition Provisional Authority instituted by U.S. invading forces was
to re-institute the same anti-union measures which had been part of the
Hussein code. Nationally labor is organized as U.S. Labor Against the War
(USLAW). Bay Area Labor Committee for Peace and Justice is working
locally, including in their efforts fund-raising for workers in Iraq. They
have an excellent film about the international delegations trip, with
interviews of Iraqi labor leaders.
Military families and veterans groups have been speaking out from the
beginning. Military Families Speak Out, Mothers Speak, Iraq Veterans
Against the War and other newly formed groups join the ranks of Veterans
for Peace and other established groups. A number of returning soldiers are
speaking wherever they can be heard. Their politics varies widely, but the
common thread running through the GIs stories is their awareness that the
U.S. is conducting a war of invasion which the people of Iraq will
continue to resist until the U.S. leaves. The phrase continues to haunt
me, "The flies have conquered the flypaper," from John Steinbecks classic
novel about the Nazi occupation of Norway, The Moon is
What Is To Be Done?
Different people can do different things. Vigils are being held all
over the country. The Oakland vigil (noon on Tuesdays at the Federal
Building) is available to those who can take off time during the work day.
Other vigils are held at other times and locations.
Education: Get speakers into congregations, schools and other
community groups. Show films. EPI has a good collection of Iraq related
material, including videos.
Keep on top of current information: In this electronic age, a
number of websites give us first hand information as well as good analysis
of what is going on. Most of the sites below include links to other useful
Foreign Policy in Focus
A young woman in Baghdad maintains a blog with her observations
Al Jazeera, a leading Arab news agency, in English, gives information
not commonly found in the U.S. mainstream news
Occupation Watch in addition to news
coverage, they have a good list of links.
Political action: Dont stop at voting. Get in touch with the local
staff people of your congressperson. This kind of work is best done in
coalition. Work to form coalitions which include faith-based and secular
organizations. When you visit their offices, congresspeople and their
staff want to know that significant numbers of people in their districts
are behind you. The newly formed coalition MEPAC, of Jewish, Palestinian
and other peace groups is a good example of this kind of work which is
focussing on Israeli/Palestinian issues. East Bay Coalition to Support
Self-Rule for Iraqis (EB-COSSI), of which EPI is a founding member, is an
Iraq-focussed coalition which bridges the faith-based/secular gap to do
educational and advocacy work.
Work with young people to help them stay out of the military. (see
related article in this issue of Planted.)
Make the connections.
The Iraq war is not an isolated instance. Although not a new
phenomenon, it is probably the most blatant and dangerous example of U.S.
preemption and arrogance since the 1950s.
For perspective, when you hear someone say, "Weve never done this
before!" remind yourself and perhaps mention out loud that the invasion of
Iraq is part of a long history of U.S. interference in the self-rule of
people in other countries. In Hawaii the U.S. overthrew a government which
was widely recognized internationally and permanently appropriated the
country. The "Spanish-American" War was in actuality a war fought to
acquire the Philippines and islands in the Caribbean where people were
successfully fighting to end Spanish colonialism. The U.S. moved in as
Spain moved out. This pattern was repeated in Vietnam the U.S. attempted
to replace France as the colonial power.
There was, in addition, the repeated practice of replacing independent
governments with client rulers: Greece, Iran, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Haiti,
Congo, Chile . The list goes on. Latest in that list is the most recent
coup in Haiti where the democratically elected President Aristide was
overthrown in the coup of February 29 of this year. Thousands of people of
the Lavalas party have been killed. Many are imprisoned without charge.
(More about Haiti in another article in this issue of
What do we need to work for?
A withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq.
Impartial observers invariably report that there will be no peace in Iraq
so long as the U.S. military remains.
A recognition that Iraqi people are capable of self-rule and have the
right to exercise it. If they need and want international help in the
short term to assist in security, the Iraqis can ask for it from nations
of their choosing. In light of the fact that in large areas of the country
the Iraqi resistance has fought the U.S. military to a standstill, it
seems unlikely that they will need it.
The lifting of the odious debt burden run up by Saddam Hussein while he
was "our son of a bitch". The end to all debt based on "reparations" under
UN Security Council Resolutions passed after the Gulf War. The
renunciation of any financial claims based on actions of the U.S.
occupation or its Iraqi agents.
International cooperation in rebuilding the country, whose
infrastructure has suffered tremendously from decades of war and
Thats a start.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Each week at the Tuesday noon vigil in Oakland a new flyer is
distributed. About 300 copies are handed out; some of the regulars in the
area mostly federal employees and other local workers have come to know us
and look forward to receiving an alternative perspective on what is
happening in Iraq. Below are excerpts from the texts of three recent
The war is a fraud.
Award winning Middle East Correspondent, Robert Fisk, starts his report
in the Independent on August 1, saying:
The war is a fraud. Im not talking about the weapons of mass
destruction that didnt exist. Nor the links between Saddam Hussein and
al-Qaida which didnt exist. Nor all the other lies upon which we went to
war. Im talking about the new lies.
For just as, before the war, our governments warned us of threats that
did not exist, now they hide from us the threats that do exist. Much of
Iraq has fallen outside the control of Americas puppet government in
Baghdad but we are not told. Hundreds of attacks are made against US
troops every month. But unless an American dies, we are not told. This
months death toll of Iraqis in Baghdad alone has now reached 700 - the
worst month since the invasion ended. But we are not told.
.looking back through my notebooks over the past five weeks, I find
that not a single Iraqi, not a single American soldier I have spoken to,
not a single mercenary - be he American, British or South African -
believes that there will be elections in January. All said that Iraq is
deteriorating by the day.
What, indeed, are we to make of a war which is turned into a fantasy by
those who started it?
Oil Prices, Oil Exports, Oil Pipelines
An Explosive Relationship
Iraqi resistance fighters are bombing the oil pipelines and pumping
facilities. Gas prices go up. A recent Christian Aid report, "Fuelling
Suspicion: The Coalition and Iraqs Oil Billions" sheds light on the reason
why the Iraqis would want to prevent the export of their
"The U.S.-controlled coalition in Baghdad
... has not properly accounted for what it has done with some $20 billion
of Iraqs own money. UN Security Council Resolution 1483 of May 2003 said
that Iraqs oil revenues should be paid into the Development Fund for Iraq,
that this money should be spent in the interests of the Iraqi people, and
be independently audited. But it took until April 2004 to appoint an
auditor leaving only a matter of weeks to go through the books. Now the
CPA is not going to be around to be held accountable....
...Bremer left Iraq with a set of edicts basically turning Iraqs
economy over to big foreign business. Appointed "Prime Minister" Allawi,
the CIA asset, will maintain that state of affairs if he can. Iraqis who
want to control their own country and benefit from their own resources are
clearly striving to keep their oil safely underground until they can throw
the bums out.
We are not worth more.
They are not worth less.
September 11, 2001 Terror attack on the United States left
thousands dead and many more injured.
September 11, 1973 U.S. organized coup against Chiles democratic
government led to brutal repression and human rights violations, book
burnings, dogs trained to sexually molest females, a powerful secret
police, and more than 3000 executions. Tens of thousands more were
tortured and/or disappeared.
More than a year of U.S. war against Iraq has left more than one
thousand U.S. military men and women dead, many more grievously injured.
The U.S. economy is deteriorating. Schools, hospitals, and even our roads
are getting worse as public money is being used to enrich military
More than a year of U.S. war against Iraq has left over thirty thousand
Iraqi civilians dead, many more grievously injured. Fourteen years of
sanctions have left one and a half million Iraqi civilians dead, half of
them children under the age of five. Conditions which were bad under
sanctions are worse now and deaths from dirty water have
More than fifty thousand U.S. troops died in the Vietnam War.
Three to five million Vietnamese died in the Vietnam
We are not worth more.
They are not worth less.
(Vietnam Veteran and peace activist Brian
Update on Israel/Palestine
by Esther Ho
Building of the enormous separation barrier, also known as "the wall,"
still dominates the oppression of the Palestinians in the West Bank, and
the assault on Gaza is massive beyond belief.
Land confiscation in the Hebron district to make way for the barrier
has been escalating. According to Abdel Hadi Hantash of the Hebron Land
Defense Committee, the Israeli military seized l,059 acres in that region
in 2003 and destroyed 97 homes in the past two years. This bulldozing of
fields, orchards, vineyards and homes is referred to by Palestinians as
"shaving the land."
In order to point up the folly of shaving the land, several of the
women of the Christian Peacemaker Teams in Hebron had their heads shaved
this spring and summer. Inspired by that protest, several more persons in
CPT training in Chicago shaved their heads on July 23. They erected a mock
security wall across the street from the Israeli Consulate in downtown
Chicago and later delivered locks of their hair to Consulate officials.
Responses to the recent ruling by the International Court of Justice in
The Hague that the separation barrier is illegal and must be torn down
have been varied. While most of the world expressed agreement with the
ruling, Israeli Prime Minister Sharon declared his intention to pay no
attention to it, and the U.S. House of Representatives passed a resolution
condemning the ICJ ruling. At this writing the U. S. Senate is considering
a similar resolution and thousands of messages opposing such a resolution
are being conveyed to senators. Perhaps more surprising is the warning to
Prime Minister Sharon by Israeli Attorney General Menachem Mazuz that the
ICJ ruling could lead international forums to take anti-Israel actions
that could include sanctions.
The assault on Gaza has been so massive that even persons who have read
regular reports about the pervasive damage to Palestinian homes, lands and
persons are astounded when they see photos taken by the few internationals
who have been able to enter Gaza. For information on the humanitarian
crisis in the Gaza village of Beit Hanoun and action that can be taken to
relieve the suffering, we recommend accessing the Middle East Childrens
Alliance website at
Two recent actions suggest directions for progress in the monumental
stalemate of Israel/Palestine. The first is a resolution by the
Presbyterian Church USA to investigate divestment from companies who
profit from the harming of innocent Palestinians or Israelis. A Jewish
Voice for Peace supports this action and offers a petition on its website commending the Presbyterian Church for its
action. We recommend using this petition (as long as it remains on the
website) to send your encouragement to the Presbyterians, who have been
under attack for taking this stand.
A second encouraging development is the release in Tel Aviv on July 29
of a comprehensive report on Child Recruitment in Israel. New Profile, an
Israeli group which supports both selective and complete conscientious
objectors to war and works against militarization in Israel, prepared this
survey and analysis of diverse forms of compulsory and voluntary child
recruitment. The authors state that such recruitment often violates
international law and always violates the Israeli societys commitment to
protect its children from involvement in armed conflict.
The phenomena discussed include military training, military use of
child labor, children required to wear a military uniform or bear arms,
and forced use of Palestinian children by the Israeli military in life
threatening situations. The entire report can be accessed at
A parallel report, prepared by Defence for Children International
Palestine Section, which surveys the recruitment of Palestinian children,
is due to be released in the near future.
In addition to the excellent websites listed thus far, we recommend
these additional sites for on-going news, action hints, and commentary on
the situation in Israel/Palestine: and
New Coalition on Palestinian Issues Meets with Barbara
The Middle East Policy Advisory Committee (MEPAC), a recently formed
coalition of 20 organizations, including the Ecumenical Peace
Institute, who are working for justice in Palestine and Israel, met with
Representative Barbara Lee on September 20. Members of several of these
organizations gave a graphic overview of the situation in that area and
explained that the purpose of the coalition is to advise Congress in
accordance with international principles and thereby restore international
confidence in US foreign policy.
Because of her opposition to H. CON. RES. 371 which condemned the World
Courts finding that the wall Israel is building in the Occupied
Territories is in violation of international law Congresswoman Lee has
been under attack by AIPAC (the American Israeli Political Action
Committee), which claims to represent the Jewish community in the United
Representative Lee told the group of 20 some persons that she had
visited Israel and the West Bank and was aware of many of the injustices
occurring there. However, she was very appreciative of the information
provided and of the coming together of these groups. She strongly
recommended that the coalition outreach to people in the districts of the
other Congresspeople who had joined with her in opposing the resolution
and to encourage them also to develop coalitions to support actions which
will bring them under fire by the powerful lobbying of AIPAC.
Members of MEPAC
Initiated by members of Tikkun, the MEPAC coalition consists of
representatives of the following groups : Americans for a Palestinian
State Political Action Committee, Arabs Building Community, Buddhist Peace
Fellowship, Ecumenical Peace Institute, Faculty for Israeli-Palestinian
Peace, Friends of Sabeel North America, Interfaith Peace Builders,
International Solidarity Movement, Jews for a Free Palestine, Jewish
Voices for Peace, Middle East Childrens Alliance, National Lawyers Guild,
Northern California Interreligious Conference, the Presbyterian Church
(USA), St. Joseph the Worker Social Justice Committee, the Tikkun
Community, Tri-City Peace Action, United for Peace and Justice (a
coalition of more than 800 local and national groups), the Unitarian
Universalist Church, US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation (a
coalition of 150 groups).
Readers of Planted are encouraged to thank these
Representatives, particularly the one in whose district you reside. If you
are acquainted with persons who understand this issue and live in the
districts listed, please suggest that they thank their representative.
Stories from Palestine
American media carry stories showing the deaths, the injuries, the fear
and grief of Israelis who suffer attacks by Palestinians. Everyday attacks
by Israeli settlers and the Israeli military on Palestinians receive
almost no coverage. The story of the attack on Chris Brown received slight
mention in the San Francisco after concerted effort by his friends in the
area. Chris is a member of the Mennonite Church in San Francisco.
CPTers Kim Lamberty and Chris Brown badly injured by settlers in the
south Hebron hills from CPTnet,
September 29, 2004
Some EPI folks met Christian Peace Maker Team member Chris Brown from
one of his presentations in the area. He has been working in the Hebron
area for some years, and relates his observations of the treatment of
Palestinians by the Israeli powers-that-be to his own experiences under
apartheid in South Africa.
At about 7:15 am on the morning of Wednesday September 29, 2004
settlers attacked Christian Peacemaker Team members Chris Brown and Kim
Lamberty as they accompanied children to school. The children, from the
village of Tuba, have experienced harassment from settlers in the past as
they walked to school in the village of al-Tuwani.
The five settlers, dressed in black and wearing masks, came from an
outpost of the nearby Maon settlement and attacked Brown and Lamberty with
a chain and bat. All of the children escaped injury by running back to
their homes.
The settlers pushed Brown to the ground, whipped him with a chain and
kicked him in the chest, which punctured his lung. They kicked and beat
Lambertys legs. She is not able to walk because of an injury to her knee
and has a broken arm. The settlers also stole Lambertys waistpack, which
held her passport, money and cellular phone.
Lamberty and Brown were taken by ambulance to Soroka hospital in Beer
Sheva for treatment. Hebron Team Support person, Rich Meyer, reports that
the two CPTers told him they are receiving excellent care from Israeli
Children from four small Palestinian villages walk to a central school
in the village of al-Tuwani. Because settlers have harassed the children
since school began in September, and the Israeli police would not
intervene to prevent the attacks, the villagers have sought the protection
of international accompaniment. A coalition comprising Christian
Peacemaker Teams, the Israeli group Tayush and members of Operation Dove,
(an Italian Christian organization that undertakes accompaniment work
similar to CPTs work), set up a presence in the village of al-Tuwani
beginning on September 12, 2004. The three groups initially committed
themselves to six weeks of accompaniment after members of these
organizations witnessed settler attacks on children each time they made
exploratory visits to the area.
Christian Peacemaker Teams, Operation Dove and Tayush plan to continue
accompanying children to school in al-Tuwani.
September 30, HEBRON, WEST BANK - The Christian Team (CPT) in Hebron
has replaced its two members, Chris Brown and Kim Lamberty, who were
attacked and injured on Wednesday morning by Israelis from the Maon
settlement outpost. This morning children from the South Hebron village of
Tuba were able to reach school safely in Tiwani. A police jeep outside the
settlement helped to ensure a peaceful journey. The District Coordinating
Officer (DCO) has confirmed the childrens right to use the "settler road"
to go to school.
Unfortunately an Israeli army patrol entered Tiwani today warning
villagers that violence (for which they blamed CPT) would occur if
children continued to use the road.
Esther Ho, EPI Board member and CPT member reports from her contacts
with the Hebron CPT team that the children were not escorted home again,
via the shorter road but were required to walk 10 km (6 miles) to return
home. The Israeli military did not allow team members to accompany the
children in either direction. Chris has been discharged from the hospital.
Three Teenage Girls shot by Israeli snipers in Gaza
Palestinian 15-year-olds among growing number of children hit by
Israeli snipers during Days of Penitence
from an article by Chris McGreal in Jabaliya refugee camp
Wednesday October 6, 2004
The Guardian
Islam Dwidars classmates were still taking in her shocking death - the
teacher weeping outside before facing the girls, her closest friend
recounting how they walked to school together each day - when the news
arrived about Tahreer Abu El Jidyan.
The two 15-year-old pupils at Jabaliyas school were both shot in the
head by Israeli soldiers inside their homes just a few blocks and several
hours apart. Islam died almost immediately after the bullet smashed
through her forehead as she baked bread with her mother in their yard on
Tahreer is still on life support at a Gaza hospital after an operation
to remove shards of shattered skull from her brain. She lies motionless,
with little to suggest she is alive other than gentle breathing. Doctors
do not expect her to survive.
Tahreers mother, Intisar, was at her bedside yesterday.
"Oh Tahreer, my heart. I wish I were lying in this bed, not you," she
whispered to her child.
"She was sweeping the floor in front of the door," said Mrs Abu El
Jidyan. "I was standing talking to her. We knew the Israeli soldiers were
around, we knew they had snipers in the buildings on our street but we
didnt expect what happened. They just shot her in the head. Her brains
spilled out. She said: Mum, Im hit. She praised God and she
.....another teenage girl in the Gaza strip.... Palestinian medics said
Israeli soldiers fired about 20 bullets into 13- year-old Iman al-Hams,
including five into her head.
The military said she had entered a forbidden zone in Rafah refugee
camp, and that she dropped a bag that soldiers feared was a bomb.
The Palestinians said Iman was walking to school when troops entered
the camp and that she dropped her bag as she ran away in fear.
The bag was not found to contain a bomb.,,1320612,00.html
Kevin Pina has been covering events in Haiti for many years. Additional
articles, reports of ongoing events and suggested opportunities for
support for the people of Haiti can be found at, the website of Haiti Action Committee.
EPI Board member Pierre Labossiere is closely associated with the Haiti
Action Committee. Pierre will be happy to speak to groups. Call the EPI
office, 510-548-4141 and leave a message.
Victims of the storms over Haiti
by Kevin Pina
September 28, 2004, The San Diego Union-Tribune
A political storm hit northern Haiti long before Tropical Storm Jeanne
came along. On March 20, Interim Prime Minister Gerard Latortue flew into
Gonaives where a huge and boisterous crowd of thousands welcomed him.
Latortue embraced gang elements and the former military that helped
overthrow the democratic government of President Jean-Bertrand Aristide as
"freedom fighters." Since then, Latortue and his government have done
little to take control of Haitis third largest city and have allowed gang
leaders like Buteur Metayer and Wilfort Ferdinand to run it like a private
fiefdom. This has had serious consequences since Tropical Storm Jeanne
arrived to stake her claim to Haitis misery. An estimated 1,500 Haitians
were killed, and more than 300,000 were left homeless after winds and
rains from Tropical Storm Jeanne lashed the island nation over the weekend
of Sept. 18 and 19.
The political storm took many victims as well and left Haiti
ill-prepared for the devastation brought about by Jeanne. One of its first
victims was the Civil Protection Office following a rampage led by the
"freedom fighters" against suspected Aristide supporters. This politically
benign institution had been established in cooperation with the local
municipal government by grants provided by the United States Agency for
International Development and administered through the Pan American
Development Foundation. PADFs own Web site confirms that, "PADFs emergency
response and reconstruction efforts are complemented by community training
in disaster preparedness. Mitigation training promotes the development of
civil action plans that enable communities to identify priorities and
reinforce key infrastructure.
Last year, 23 local civil protection committees were formed, and over
5,000 people were trained in disaster awareness, leading to safer
communities." Unfortunately, with Washington, Paris and Ottawa ushering in
a man-made disaster with the destruction of constitutional authority in
Haiti, all of the tax dollars USAID invested in preparing for natural
disasters like Tropical Storm Jeanne were wasted as well.
Tropical Storm Jeanne is exactly the type of disaster USAID and PADFs
programs were set up to manage. There were components that monitored
incoming tropical storms and provided an advanced warning and preparedness
network designed to plan a response before disaster struck. Plans included
advising communities in advance of approaching storms and preparing for
them by storing large supplies of drinking water, food, medical supplies
and portable tents for those displaced from their homes.
When Tropical Storm Jeanne hit, these structures no longer existed and
the trained and competent participants in the program had long been driven
out of the area after their offices were pillaged and burned. Nowhere was
this more evident than in Gonaives, where many associated with the
Aristide government and the Lavalas Party were reportedly dragged through
the streets and burned alive.
Instead of reasserting control of the state and rebuilding the
necessary infrastructure that was destroyed following the coup of Feb. 29,
Latortue followed a policy of benign neglect and accommodation with thugs
in the region that has led to needless death and suffering in the wake of
Tropical Storm Jeanne. In all fairness, the fault does not lie entirely
with the U.S.-installed government. The Bush administration shoulders much
of the blame for the current situation with an ill-conceived regime change
that has replaced what they considered a failed state with an even more
failed state.
The United Nations also bears a large responsibility for the armed
gangs and elements of the former military currently hampering relief
efforts in northern Haiti. Like Latortues accommodation of the gangs in
Gonaives, the U.N. forces have stood by while the former military has
taken over several towns in the north. The official excuse of the United
Nations has been that they do not have enough forces on the ground to
challenge the former military from seizing control of the region. It seems
that by the time there are enough forces in the region, they will wake up
to find themselves bunkmates with the very people they claim to want to
keep out of power. This does not bode well for the inhabitants of
Port-au-Prince should a natural disaster ever strike the capital to
combine with the current political disaster as it has in Gonaives.
In the end, the United Nations and Latortue have become victims of
their own failed policies and ultimately the failed policy of the Bush
administration in Haiti. The ones who will suffer the most as a result of
these failures are the very people they claim to have come to this island
nation to help.
The disregard for institutions destroyed during the latest regime
change and the lack of planning and response for natural disasters is only
a symptom of a political storm that is far from over in Haiti a storm that
is being fed by poor political judgment. Sadly, this has resulted in more
needless suffering for the people of Haiti during this latest
Pina is an independent journalist and filmmaker. He is associate editor
of the Black Commentator and currently resides in
The Draft, Recruitment and Conscientious
by Marilyn Jackson
There has been talk recently, with the increase in U.S. war activity,
about the possibility of reinstating the draft. Having family or friends
in the armed forces is how most of us come in contact with war in a
personal way. During the Viet Nam war, I worried and prayed every day for
my two older brothers, one whose number never came up but who did less
well in college because he figured hed be drafted anyway and the other who
became a conscientious objector. It helped that he was involved in
Lutheran youth groups and knew a lot of ministers.
Some have called this an urban legend but two bills proposed in recent
years to reinstate the draft include women and make it harder to evade.
Though the house bill, H.R 163, introduced by Rep. Charlie Rangel (D-NY),
was just defeated in the pre-election frenzy, S. 89, introduced by Sen.
Fritz Hollings (D-SC), may or may not be voted on soon and who knows what
will happen after the election? Rangels and Hollings rationales for the
draft included that it would prevent war if all had to contribute their
sons and daughters equally. Also, minorities and others less privileged
are disproportionately represented in the military we have now.
This logic is limited, however. Besides curbing freedom of choice, the
draft would still reflect a stratified army because the better educated
would do better on test scores and get safer placements. Having an easy
source of soldiers might also make it easier to send troops when and
wherever the powers that be decide to. For some, gender equality on the
battlefield is the final frontier of eliminating sexism. I think that
eliminating war through nonviolence, including education, dialogue and
negotiation is the way women will lead to a peaceful future.
Some say the draft would not be reinstated without vigorous debate. The
Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors (CCCO), in their Summer
News, 2004, says the Selective Service system has been poised to reinstate
a draft for 24 years. However, with the increase in wars, the subject is
worth a second look.
Every young man in the U.S. upon turning 18, is required by law to
register with the Selective Service. If you dont register, there are
consequences, including potential fines, jail time, loss of citizenship
and more. Other strategies include waiting a few years. Check with the
CCCO for more details (see below).*
If a parent or young adult is concerned about a potential draft down
the road and wants to become a conscientious objector, it is a good idea
to begin now to get a portfolio together. You need a record showing that
you do not believe in war. Your file can include a statement about your
beliefs, a record of books read on resistance, organizations you are
affiliated with and events participated in, as well as letters of support
from teachers, friends, and clergy who know you and about your
The military mentality pervades our culture in families, schools and
workplaces, etc., through attitudes about compliance, discipline and the
ability to question authority. It seems harder than ever to question the
executive regime in the U.S. today. The ability to question and dialogue
is fundamental for a democratic society. Even more importantly, we need to
ask, "What are peaceful, nonviolent cultural behaviors that lead to
peaceful interactions at home and abroad?"
Bushs education bill, No Child Left Behind, ironically puts children in
harm's way by requiring school districts to provide lists of students with
contact information to recruiters, unless the parents have filed forms
requesting that their childs information not be shared. The ease of
obtaining relevant forms varies. Some schools have chosen a policy whereby
a childs information is not shared with recruiters unless the parents
request that it be shared. Parents can lobby their schools to resist the
influence of recruiters. Below is a form letter from the Central Committee
for Conscientious Objectors for a parent or student to submit to their
high school to request their name not be provided.
*For more details, contact the Central Committee for Conscientious
Objectors, based in Oakland, CA, 510-465-1617 and Philadelphia, PA,
215-563-8787;; email;
Parent Letter:
Dear Administrator of ______________________ High School:
I, ________________________________, am writing on behalf of my child,
_____________________, to request that you do not make my childs name,
address or telephone listing available for military recruitment purposes
as is provided for under Paragraph 2, Subsection (a) of Section 9528 of
Public Law 107-110. I look forward to your prompt response to this
Sincerely, (sign with signature, your name typed or printed, and the
Student Letter:
Dear Administrator of ______________________ High School:
I, ________________________________, am writing to request that you do
not make my name, address or telephone listing available for military
recruitment purposes as is provided for under Paragraph 2, Subsection (a)
of Section 9528 of Public Law 107-110. I look forward to your prompt
response to this letter.
Sincerely, (sign with signature, your name typed or printed, and the
Volunteer Opportunities
Ecumenical Peace Institute has a range of volunteer openings for people
with a range of talents and interests. And time. Many of these jobs are
occasional and take only a few hours here and there.
Events Planning
program planning
logistical details.
Events include:
Good Friday Worship & Witness at Livermore
Internal Human Rights Day (December 10)
One-time events demonstrations, witnesses, actions
Good opportunity for outreach and education
Congregational Outreach.
Work with your own faith group or get acquainted with other
Office Work
Mailing parties spend a couple of hours in pleasant company
folding and bending. No spindling or mutilating.
Tuesday Vigil to End the War in Iraq,
Oakland Federal Building, 1301 Clay Street, noon till one.
We hand out about 300 brand new flyers each week, providing
information not usually found in our news. Weve been at it over six years.
Some people who work in the area have become "regular
If you want to get more deeply involved, perhaps do more concentrated,
every-day work, get in touch and we can see where our needs and your
skills intersect.
Calendar & Announcements
Sunday, October 24, EPI Autumn Gathering
Saturday, October 30th, 7:00 p.m. at St. Joseph the Worker Church,
Berkeley concert, teach-in, and benefit for the School of the Americas
Watch. Francisco Herrera, Jon Fromer, Nico van Aelstyn, Carlos
Friday, Nov. 5, EBSC Annual Dinner. St. Johns Presbyterian Church,
2727 College, Berkeley. Doors open 5:30 p.m., Dinner at 6:00 p.m.
Admission $10 - 30 sliding scale. RSVP Meggin Eastman at EBSC,
Sunday, Nov. 7, 5 - 9 p.m. East Bay Peace Action Annual Gathering.
Social hour & potluck dinner 5 p.m. Program 6:30. Program Jon
Rainwater, Exec. Director California Peace Action "Post Election Analysis
& Strategy "Berkeley Friends Church, 1600 Sacramento Street. RSVP
December 11 - 12, EBSCs annual Crafts Fair. Saturday & Sunday,
10:00 - 4:00. First Congregational Church in Berkeley. Beautiful fair
trade crafts from around the world. Reasonable prices.
Weekly Vigils & Such
Sundays, 3:00 p.m. peace walk around Lake Merritt
Tuesdays Noon - 1:00 p.m. Oakland Federal Building, 1301 Clay
Street, oppose the continued war on Iraq.
Wednesdays, 5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Castro Valley Peace & Justice
Vigils, Castro Valley Blvd. & Redwood Rd.
Thursdays, Noon - 1:00 p.m. San Francisco Federal Building.
Thursdays, 4:30 - 5:30 p.m., Jackson, Mission, Foothill triangle,
Fridays, Noon - 1:00 p.m. Women in Black Vigil, UC Berkeley,
Bancroft at Telegraph.
Fridays, 5:30 - 7 p.m., corner of Mowry & Fremont,
Regarding that Envelope
There is an envelope included in each issue of Planted by the
Waters. If each person who received Planted put a check into
the envelope and mailed it to EPI/CALC, it would greatly improve our
ability to do the work for justice and peace which we are called to do
It doesn't have to be a lot. Every little bit counts.
I/We want to help by being part of the Peace and Justice work of
Ecumenical Peace Institute/CALC.
Enclosed is my tax-deductible contribution of:
____$35 for annual membership
($10 for low-income subscribers)
___$10.00 ___$25.00 ___$35.00 ___ $50.00 ___ $100.00
I will pledge $_________ monthly, $________quarterly
Please make checks payable to E.P.I.
City________________________ State____Zip _______
Please mail any contributions to EPI, PO Box 9334, Berkeley, CA
Thank you.
"Planted" |