Misc. Postings (page 3)
Subject: para reflexionar
Date: Sun, 11 Feb 2001 15:58:17 -0600 (CST)
From: Miguel Navarrete
Te envió este memorando, para notificarte que
te toca a ti...
¡SI!, ¿pensaste que vivirías mil años?... Calma, no
te lamentes; no te lamentes...
ni te preocupes mas... todavía te resta todo un
día... Y un día puede ser toda una vida... Si lo
sabes aprovechar.
¿Cómo?... Ya no postergues tu
vida... Ya no renuncies a ella jamás. Tienes 24
para demostrar tu cariño, tienes 24 horas para
decirle que le amas. Para bailar bajo la lluvia,
para disfrutar aquella melodía, para sentir el sol,
para soltar tu llanto, para entregar tu alma.
todo un día para pedir perdón, para ser un niño,
para ser un sabio, para reír con fuerza, para
gritarle al viento, para disfrutar del resto de la
vida, que queda en tu corazón...
La vida te esta
rodeando a cada instante aunque la busques en el
futuro, aunque creas haberla olvidado en el
pasado. LA VIDA ESTA ALLI CONTIGO. Te envuelve con
magia, pero tú como un ciego prefieres ignorarla.
por eso que te envío este memorando... Para que
recuerdes que tienes que morir... Que mañana tomaré
mano y te llevaré de aquí... Y quiero preguntarte...
¿Podrías describirme el aroma de las Rosas?...
¿Podrías decirme lo que sientes, cuando el viento
envuelve con su ternura, con su brisa y con su
fuerza?... ¿Conoces la maravillosa sensación que
brinda el Amor? ¿Haz bailado al ritmo de tu
corazón?... ¿Haz disfrutado el arte de hacer el
NINGÚN limite...
O te ha detenido el
temor?. Disculpa si soy indiscreto... Lo que pasa
que me causa mucha gracia el pensar que mañana que
tome en mis brazos... Vas a estar muerto
COMPLETITO...AL 100%... No habrá ningún asomo de
en ese cuerpo tuyo... Y sin embargo hoy que estas
vivo... El 75% de tu ser parece estar muerto.
aquí a muchos suicidas que en el justo momento que
vieron de frente. Descubrieron que la vida es muy
bella y mucho mas grande que todos esos
que creyeron irremediables... Justo cuando sus ojos
dejaron de percibir colores, cuando su piel dejo de
tener sensaciones, cuando sus oídos no escuchaban ni
siquiera el silencio, cuando su boca no pudo decir
cuando sus brazos ya no pudieron abrazar, cuando
piernas ya no pudieron correr, cuando sus labios
dejaron de sonreír. En ese momento todo suicida me
suplica una oportunidad sin entender que cada
instante, de cada hora, de cada día de su vida es
Y que yo LA MUERTE, SI doy
oportunidades. Pero solo a aquel que sabe USAR la
vida, solo a aquel que se da cuenta que la vida no
puede comprar con ninguna cantidad de dinero...
la vida es como una montaña rusa, a la que te subes
LO DISFRUTAS AL 100% porque sabes que el final esta
cerca y que no podrás comprar otro boleto.
¿Sabes?... Existe mucha gente con enfermedades que
tienen al borde de la muerte... Gente admirable
al mundo la huella de su corazón. Gente que aun
sabiéndose desahuciada sonríe feliz, persigue sus
sueños y SABE VIVIR... A muchos de esos guerreros
la vida si les doy una oportunidad. Porqué merecen
Y cuando uno de esos seres que supieron
vivir llegan a mis brazos... Los recibo contenta,
HUBIERA..." Ellos hicieron todo lo que quisieron
hacer... Y por eso les indico el camino que han de
seguir... Ese camino que sin duda les hará volver a
vivir. Así que si no me recordabas, AQUI ESTOY !!!
...Porque mañana te toca a ti... DIA... ¿Qué harás
con el?... Si me convences PUEDE que te permita
y recuerda que la realidad es una simple alucinacion
por la falta de alcohol
ATTE michal
- Subject: Family Life and Activism
Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2001 23:09:05 -0800
Tue, 6 Mar 2001 16:53:25 -0500
from: Judith Gips
[Friends from other Websites: Judith is a local (San Francsico Bay area) political activist.
What she proposes should be of interest to all of us. Daniel.]
Hi everyone... I just opened a new Yahoo!group discussion for people
working on combining activism and parenting in a meaningful way in their lives. I
have raised this issue briefly on this forum (and heard from a few Bay Area
people who expressed such an interest, and I'm ready to follow
through now on building that. My hope is both to build a local community of
people looking at better ways to integrate our lives as family with our
lives as activists in justice and peace causes, and also to build an
international community of people working on these ideas.
Some of the issues about which I've been thinking, and which I'd like to
explore more, include the following:
Making meeting times and places, and public events, more child-friendly and
more considerate of the needs of many kinds of parents: quality child care
for meetings and public events, building something like a Peace and Justice
Day Camp or special events for children (building community for children
from activist families.) I'd also like to talk about teen activities and
building community including secondary school students;I consider people in
high school an important part of the community.
Getting together, perhaps once a month, in local communities (say, a weekend
potluck) to meet with other families working on peace and justice issues and
find common ground and friendship.
Meaningful exploration of balancing the individual and the collective as
concerned activists: what are the implications of taking action for a cause
that may separate us from our families, including demanding schedules,
travel for organizing purposes, risking arrest, legal action, and
incarceration? What are the gender and class issues that arise when dealing
with these issues? How do we communicate with people who don't have
children and may or may not understand some of our priorities and conflicts?
I imagine discussions of work/right livelihood, welfare rights, gay/lesbian
parenting issues, class and cultural diversity in family life, schooling,
talking to children about injustice and violence, and issues around
parenting styles are among the topics that will be up for discussion.
I just opened the site and there are no messages posted yet. Please go ahead and join at
or e-mail me
for more information. We
may need to take a look at privacy issues as we go on, but as it stands now
it's an open forum.
Looking forward to working together, Judith
- Subject: From Puri, India Conference & Declaration
Date: Mon, 5 Mar 2001 15:31:26 -0500/
Tue, 6 Mar 2001 16:53:25 -0500
from: Robert Rabin - Nilda Medina
24 February, 2001
Press Release
Puri, India Delegates from twenty countries and six continents meeting in the fishing village of Puri,
in the Indian state of Orissa, approved a message of solidarity with the struggle to end the US Navy
presence on Vieques. The International Conference on Non Violence and Social Empowerment,
organized by War Resisters International and SWADHINA, a women´s rights group in India, was
co sponsored by the Gandhi Labor Institute in Puri, site of the conference. From 18 to 24 February,
a wide variety of topics was discussed, related to civil and human rights violations, violence against
women, indigenous groups, ethnic and sexual minorities.
The struggle for peace in Vieques was part of the discussion about the problems caused by
militarism. Robert Rabin, of the Committee for the Rescue and Development of Vieques (CRDV)
was invited to travel to India to present the non violent campaign to end the military presence on
Vieques. The declaration approved by the final assembly of the conference includes the following
section on the Vieques struggle:
"In solidarity with the non violent struggles represented by the delegates to this conference, we
declare our support for the organizations working for peace and justice, and in particular, those that
work against all forms of militarism the draft, the presence and activities of the US Navy on the
Island of Vieques, Puerto Rico, US military intervention in Colombia, military violence against the
Palestinian people, against the Balkans and Pacific communities, military spending, among other
Among the countries represented at the conference figured Zimbabwe (Africa), New Zealand,
Yugoslavia, Japan, South Africa, Papua New Guinea, Germany, Sri Lanka, Argentina, Colombia,
Chile, Paraguay, US, Brasil, Palestine, France, Sweeden and Norway.
During several years the CRDV has carried out an international campaign to expose to the world the
violation of human rights by the US Navy on the island municipality of Vieques. In recent years,
delegates from the CRDV have broght the case of Vieques to the United Nations (in Geneva and
New York), Mexico (Chiapas), England, Japan, Okinawa, Korea, the Phillipines, the U.S. among
other places.
The Declaration is presented below in full:
Puri Declaration in Solidarity with Non Violence and Social Empowerment
Representatives of Organzations from twenty countries and six continents
meeting at the War Resisters International/Swadhina Non Violence and
Social Empowerment Conference in Puri, India from the 18th to the 24th of
February, 2001;
In solidarity with the non violent struggles represented by the delegates
to this conference, declare our support for those organizations working
for peace and justice and, in particular, those working
- Against all manifestations of militarism the draft, US Navy presence and activities on
the Island of Vieques, Puerto Rico, US military intervention in Colombia, military
violence against the Palestinian people, the peoples of the Balkans and the Pacific
peoples, military spending, among others;
- To end the repression and violence practiced against women, justified and supported
by judicial, political, and religious structures created by and
dominated by men;
- For respect of the civil and human rights of gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgendered
men and women as well as other minorities in our societies;
- In defense of displaced and marginalized indigenous peoples and the landless peoples
of the world;
- To promote
non violent solutions to conflict resolution;
- Toward empowerment of marginalised sectors of society to democratize our world through
genuine community participation in the decision making processes that are generally controlled by
social and economic elites;
- In defense
of the environment and all forms of life.
We hereby recognize our responsability to support the struggles of the
sisters and brothers participating in this international conference as our
concrete contribution to the work of creating a more just and loving world.
Approved in assembly this 24th day of February in the year two thousand
and one in the town of Puri, India.
- Subject: Water Crisis
Date: Fri, 02 Mar 2001 16:27:29 -0800
from: Peter Phillips Ph.D.
Sociology Department/Project Censored
Forwarded by Carolyn Scarr
(please note reference to Maude Barlow, paragraph 5, who was the author
of the article I got from Rev. Sharon Delgado re FTAA)
Our New Resource Crisis
By Peter Phillips
Imagine, that we are beyond the energy crisis-in that we are used to
double or triple prices for what in the previous century was a small
of the family budget. But now we are faced with a new shortage that taps
another precious resource. Water only comes through the tap fours hours
day and we are forced to pay ten to hundred times what we paid in the
Welcome to the world of privatized water, where fresh water is treated
a commodity, traded and sold in the international market to the highest
No longer can you assume a God-given right to drink from a mountain
but instead you will have to pay a toll to drink from Enron Springs,
Monsanto Wells or receive tap water from Bechtel Water Works.
Global consumption of water is doubling every 20 years, more than twice
rate of human population growth. According to the United Nations, more
one billion people already lack access to fresh drinking water. If
trends persist, by 2025 the demand for fresh water is expected to rise
56 percent more than the amount of water that is currently available.
Multinational corporations recognize these trends and are trying to
monopolize water supplies around the world. Monsanto, Bechtel, Enron and
other global multinationals are seeking control of world water systems
The World Bank recently adopted a policy of water privatization and
full-cost water pricing. This policy is causing great distress in many
Third World countries, which fear that their citizens will not be able
afford for-profit water.
Last year in a little known case of high scale international water
marketing, a supertanker was reported to have filled up with water from
Lake Erie and after paying the Canadian Government they shipped the
to Southeast Asia.
Maude Barlow, chair of the Council of Canadians, Canada's largest public
advocacy group, states, "Governments around the world must act now to
declare water a fundamental human right and prevent efforts to
export, and sell for profit a substance essential to all life. Research
shown that selling water on the open market only delivers it to wealthy
cities and individuals. The finite sources of freshwater (less than one
half of one per cent of the world's total water stock) are being
depleted, and polluted so fast that, by the year 2025, two-thirds of the
world's population will be living in a state of serious water
Governments are signing away their control over domestic water
supplies by participating in trade treaties such as the North American
Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and in institutions such as the World Trade
Organization (WTO). These agreements give transnational corporations the
unprecedented right to the water of signatory companies.
Monsanto plans to earn revenues of $420 million and a net income of
$63 million by 2008 from its water business in India and Mexico.
estimates that water will become a multibillion-dollar market in the
international water crisis news story was selected by over 150
faculty and student researchers at Sonoma State University's Project
Censored in California as the number one most censored news story for
Credit for original reporting goes to:
International Forum on Globalization: Special Report 6/99, The Global
Crisis and the Commodification of the World's Water Supply by Maude
Barlow www.ifg.org/bgsummary.html
THIS, July/August 2000, Just Add Water by Jim Shultz
In These Times, Water Fallout: Bolivians Battle Globalization 5/15/00 by
Jim Shultz www.inthesetimes.com
Canadian Dimension, 2/2000, Monsanto's Billion-Dollar Water Monopoly
by Vandana Shiva www.purefood.org/Monsanto/waterfish.cfm
Canadian Dimension, 2/00, Water Fallout, by Jim Shultz
San Francisco Bay Guardian, 5/31/00, Trouble on Tap, by Daniel Zoll
San Francisco Bay Guardian, 5/31/00, The Earth Wrecker, by Pratap
Peter Phillips is an Associate Professor of Sociology at Sonoma State
University and Director of Project Censored. Research for this story is
from the book Censored 2001, 25th Anniversary Edition, scheduled for
release in March of this year from Seven Stories Press.
Peter Phillips Ph.D.
Sociology Department/Project Censored
Sonoma State University
1801 East Cotati Ave.
Rohnert Park, CA 94928
Institute for Public Accuracy
915 National Press Building, Washington, D.C. 20045
(202) 347-0020 * http://www.accuracy.org * ipa@accuracy.org
Friday, February 9, 2001
Bush's Tax Cuts:
Who Benefits?
JOEL BLAU, jblau@notes.cc.sunysb.edu
Blau, a professor of social policy at the State University of New York
Stony Brook, said today: "Bush is marketing a tax policy that
money upward. Earn money as a worker, and you are taxed; make money in
stock market, and you will be taxed less; accumulate enough money, and
you die, your estate will not be taxed at all. The Bush proposal to cut
capital gains and estate taxes thereby illuminates the essential policy
bias of the new administration. Instead of 'compassionate conservatism'
calls to leave no American behind, we are faced with a proposal that
to the wealthiest segment of the population." Blau is author of
of Prosperity: America's Working Families in an Age of Economic
ELLEN FRANK, frank@emmanuel.edu
Frank, an associate professor of economics at Emmanuel College in
said today: "All of the federal budget surpluses over the past three
and most of the projected surpluses over the next few years can be
attributed to one source -- Social Security payroll taxes. These taxes
particularly burdensome on low and middle income wage earners.
percent of taxpayers pay more in payroll taxes than they do in federal
income taxes. Yet congressional leaders propose to blow the surpluses on
cuts in top marginal tax rates, capital gains taxes and inheritance
-- taxes that fall almost exclusively on the wealthiest 2 percent of
households. If these tax cuts pass, Congress will have succeeded in
promoting, via the federal tax code, a massive upward redistribution of
incomes -- using surplus Social Security and Medicare revenues to
tax cuts for the very wealthy."
DAVID E. KAUN, nuclear@cats.ucsc.edu
Kaun, a professor of economics at the University of California at Santa
Cruz, said today: "The single most troubling problem facing our nation
the obscene and growing income and wealth disparity, a problem little
mentioned during and since the recent election. This growing inequality
been well documented by scholars across the political and ideological
spectrum. Despite this, and contrary to the rhetoric, every facet of the
Bush tax package would serve not to stimulate the economy and increase
investment as advertised, but rather would further aggravate the
that is rife across the nation. The bulk of the income tax cut, and most
not all of the reductions in capital gains and elimination of the
inheritance tax go to those least in need. Further, a mindlessly applied
capital gains tax would benefit the clever stock investor far more than
creator of new productive investment. With respect to the elimination of
the inheritance tax, the 'mom and pop' enterprises could easily be made
exempt without grossly adding to existing inequality."
For further information, contact at the Institute for Public Accuracy:
David Zupan (541) 484-9167
- Subject: R E P O R T \\\ Stop Navy Bombing at Salinan Territory
Date: Wed, 14 Feb 2001 16:10:46 -0800
from: Jim Harris
The Navy wants to bomb Monterey County???!!!
You can call Senator Boxer's office at 415-403-0100 email
or Senator Feinstein at 415-393-0707 email at
I also highly recommend the Progressive Secretary, who sent out the
letter below on my behalf.
Dear Carolyn:
Here is a report of a letter that was sent in your name. - Thank
There are some options at the bottom of this letter.
Note: This letter was written 02/09/01 to support a campaign by
Pelican Network that was also widely disseminated by the WILPF-news
(Women's International League for Peace and Freedom). It goes to
the U.S. Navy: Larry Jones (Code N45F), Building 307, NAS Fallon,
4755 Pasture Road, Fallon, Nev. 89496. Further information:
Dear Mr. Jones:
I am writing to express my strong opposition to U.S. Navy plans for
a bombing range at Fort Hunter Liggett (FHL), in Southern Monterey
County, California.
These lands are sacred lands of the Salinan (Jolon) Indians. They
represent pristine territory that ought to be preserved for
posterity, not used for bombing practice.
Bombing would close the lands off from any future public enjoyment,
would almost certainly have a detrimental impact on the environment,
and would despoil lands sacred to American Indians.
Please cancel any and all Navy plans to use the Salinan Indian
Carolyn Scarr
1340 Ada Street
Berkeley, CA 94702
Letters to the following officials were individually written and
sent. They address the official by name at least once and may
contain information specific to that official and this letter.
Larry Jones
FOLKS, FYI, here's what else you get from Prog. Sec. w/ your letter:
** Additional Information
To respond, please either:
check a box
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To check a box, just reply as a normal letter, then use
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any letter in that check box. Example [ ] Referral - Please send
information to ___. Let me know if you need help.
Your one word command can also be added to the subject line for
example, Subject:Stop Navy Bombing at Salinan Territory.Send
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Please help Progressive Secretary. Check these boxes for
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Not including this posting you have sent 2,395 letters. and
Progressive Secretary has sent over 8.9 million letters!!
Jim Harris>
Make Your Voice Heard. Enroll in
Progressives send far fewer letters than conservatives. Please
invite others to join and level this field.
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