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Sunday, March 9, 6-7:30pm

Are you tired of praying for peace and
$$$$$$$ paying for war? $$$$$$$

The Ecumenical Peace Institute presents:


Join us on Zoom for this online program

Or by phone: +16699006833,

then Meeting ID: 833 5116 6019


Jim Haber

David Hartsough

Kathy Labriola

& Lorin Peters

Ecumenical Peace Institute / Clergy And Laity Concerned (EPI/CALC) is a prophetic voice and witness, embracing all faith and earth-based traditions bringing to life universal values as we seek truth, work for justice, nurture compassion and courage, reach out to each other and to our larger communities of faith and tradition, bridge the divisions that wound the human family, transform ourselves and our world through dedication to nonviolence in education, advocacy, witness and action.

Let us not tire of preaching love: it is the force that will overcome the world. Let us not tire of preaching love.
Though we see that waves of violence succeed in drowning the fire of Christian love, love must win out; it is the only thing that can.

—Archbishop Oscar Romero, July 23, 1978

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for latest happenings

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 [The "Donate" button is temporarily down. For the moment, you may uae PayPal on your own and email us your donation:

Or, you may send your check to: EPI/CALC, P. O. Box 9334, Berkeley, California 94709


   State Assembly Passes Historic Declaration of California
as the first “Compassionate¯ State” in the Nation!
All content has been archived:

Become a part of the EPI Community! Annual membership is $35.00, $10.00 for low-income subscription. If you use the secure PayPal Donation button above,  when you get to the PayPal page, click on Send & Request, and Send Money and enter this e-mail address: <>. Please make a note of it, as this EPI webpage will “refresh” to the PayPal website. Then just enter the amount you wish to donate,and follow instructions, adding a note to us if you wish. Thank you! And, yes, EPI-Calc is a 501(c)3 nonprofit religious organization.

         If you wish, you may send us your donation the old-fashioned way, and send us a check (Quelle idée!) to
EPI/CALC, P. O. Box 9334, Berkeley, California. 94709

EPI's Living Graveyard will be virtual for the foreseeable future.
You are urged to be risk-adverse. It could save your life!

We urge you to call on congress to end all sanctions

U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar has introduced HR 5879, legislation which would increase Congressional oversight over declarations of national emergencies and Presidential sanctions powers includes congressional oversight of  US sanctions. Additionally, the bill would require the President, when seeking to take action under IEEPA and levy sanctions, to report to Congress on a number of items. Sanctions are an act of war, which is prohibited by the United Nations charter.
Click HERE to read the full text.

Here is Rep. Omar's website.

To read about effects of sanctions, click HERE

Then call: US Congressional switchboard: 1-866-338-1015 

Links to connect with other prophetic voices:
If Americans Knew ^ Western States Legal Foundation ^ 
Christian Peacemaker Teams ^ Syria Solidarity Movement ^ East Bay Sanctuary Covenant  Friends of Sabeel  ^  Haiti Action Committee  ^  Haiti Relief  ^  Jewish Voice for Peace ^ Union of Concerned Scientists ^ Mt. Diablo Peace & Justice Center  ^  Tikkun  ^  Tri-Valley CAREs

Prophetic Voices Past:  Abe Zwickel  ^  Jean Zwickel  ^  Father Bill  ^  Joan McIntyre  ^  Pastor Lee Williason
Esther Ho  ^  Diane Thomas

Come join our Working Group and help EPI become even more vital and exciting!

Home page postings are archived: April, 2020 ^ 2017–2019 ^ 20152016 ^ 2012–2014 ^ 2010


You may order our book of poetry, On the Edge of Peace here:


Ecumenical Peace Institute/CALC
P. O. Box 9334, Berkeley, CA 94709
(510) 990-0374 (0EPI).

Hosted by Webmaster, Daniel ben Avram