This poem, written by a visiting doctora from the U.S., is framed on the wall of Dorothys home in Mulukukú.
For the Women of Mulukukú
A Prayer/Poem, written in June, 97
by Jeanette Carter, Internist; Alburquerque, NM
MOTHER GOD, giver of light and life
to all creatures,
Look with special kindness upon the
women of Mulukukú.
Hold them close to the breasts that first
gave them lifesaving richness
Caress their tired bones
and send a cool breeze
to revive them in their labors.
Bless the blocks they make
One by one
To build their children's future
the clinic
the school
the gathering place
Bless the wood carved by their
strong muscles
and delicate fingers
to build rocking chairs
that some day they may be able
to put down their heavy labors
and rest
in the comforting movement....
......back and forth
Bless the health promoters
women with a vision
women with knowledge of
curative plants
modern medicines
and healing touch
women healing women
holding their hands
during dark hours
Bless Dorothy who gives her
creative energy
revolutionary zeal,
courage to face dangers, and
not turn away or
desert those she has joined
boundless energy and conviction
laughter and joy
openness to all Gods creatures
Bless Grethel, the poet and mother
who looks to the future
and sees endless possibilities
days of joy and health and equality
days filled with children
willing to put herself in front of
whatever forces might try
to come and change that destiny
willing to light the candle over and over
to bring light to the world
minute by minute
Bless Noel, the father of his children
and of the village
Thanksgiving for his generous spirit
His manner of walking lightly and
persistently through
the landmines of life,
always on a steady course
Yet stopping to reach out a hand
to help another rise up
and back onto the path
Thanksgiving for his knowledge
AND his faith
Bless us, MOTHER GOD,
as we gather as women
to celebrate
our oneness
our joys
our fears
That we might hold the women of Mulukukú
Adding our hands and arms
to those of others
who are forming a life raft
to shore them up
in their struggles
Give us strength and courage
to love and serve them and you
with gladness & singleness of heart
Copyright © 1997 by Jeanette Carter, Alburquerque, New Mexico, USA. Permission is granted to post this text on non-commercial internet sites, provided it remains intact and the copyright note is displayed. To publish this text in printed and/or other forms please contact Jill Winegardner at Women's Empowerment Network.
This poem has been posted without permission of the author as we are unable to her at this time. However, we believe that it is in the spirit of the poem that it be posted here, and with the above copyright notice (adapted from Carolyn Scarr's.) [Jeanette, if you see this, please contact me right away and let me know how you feel about this.]
Yours in peace w/justice,
Daniel Zwickel
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