Welcome to the Golden West Section of the Air & Waste Management Association
The Golden West Section (GWS) of the Air & Waste Management Association (A&WMA) was formed in June 1984 and serves the northern California area starting from Bakersfield north. Its purpose is to promote better understanding of the problems of air pollution and waste management concerns among governmental agencies, research personnel, educators, representatives of industry and the general public within the geographic area of the Section and to provide a means of exchanging information directed towards solving those problems. The Association's goals are to strengthen the environmental profession, expand scientific and technological responses to environmental concerns, and assist professionals in critical environmental decision making to benefit society. To accomplish these goals, the Section presents a series of dinner meetings, workshops, and technical conferences. Additionally, the Section's scholarship program provides financial assistance to graduate or undergraduate students in the environmental field.
The Air & Waste Management Association is the educational and technical organization for professionals concerned with the issues of air pollution control and waste management. The Association began in 1907 and is now an organization of 5,000 members in 65 countries who are engineers, scientists, government officials, industrial personnel, control equipment and instrument manufacturers, and academicians. It is through this variety of disciplines in the membership that the technical proficiency and forum capability of the Association are maintained, thereby making the Association a prime resource in the field of air pollution control and waste management. To promote the exchange of technical information, an annual meeting and exposition are held as well as numerous technical conferences, workshops, and educational courses. The international headquarters of the Association are in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
A&WMA's Board of Directors has long recognized the value of grass roots regional Sections within the Association to carry out the objectives of the Association at the local level. One or more "chapters" are sometimes established with Sections to better serve the membership at the local level. Customarily, each Section has a governing Board consisting of a Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, and Executive Board. All members of the Board are elected by the membership.
At this time, the A&WMA has 30+ sections and 60+ chapters covering all of North America and many areas in Latin America, Asia, and Europe.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx2019 Term Elections
Please take a few minutes to complete the
A&WMA ballot for the Golden West Section's
2019 Board of Directors and Officers. As in the
past, the Board has put forth a slate of
candidates who have communicated their interest
in managing our organization's business and
providing quality events and activities for the
Section. Spaces for write-in candidates not on
the slate have been provided.
For voting instructions and bios, please click
here: 2019
Term Elections Information.
2016 A&WMA Membership Performance Award

The Golden West Section of the A&WMA has been recognized by the National A&WMA for outstanding performance in membership services in 2016. Congratulations to our Chair, Wilma Dreessen and 2016 Board Members for a job well done!
Join A&WMA
A&WMA provides programs and activities designed and conducted by environmental professionals for environmental professionals. Membership in A&WMA provides access to a worldwide network of individuals from industry, government, and the consulting, research, academic, and legal communities who engage in the exchange of technical and managerial information.
GWS Mailing List
If you are NOT an A&WMA member and would like to receive emails notifying you of upcoming Golden West Section events, news, and/or announcements, you can subscribe to our mailing list by completing the form below. You should receive an email confirmation within 24-hours after submitting your contact information. You must confirm your acceptance by clicking on the link contained in the email before you are officially added to the A&WMA-GWS Mailing List. If you wish to be removed from the mailing list, send your unsubscribe request to info@awma-gws.org.