Memorial Day 2020 will be on Monday, May 25th.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it is unlikely that our annual observance will be on-site. You are urged to go to the may go to the new, official Lafayette Hillside Memorial website,, where you will find information on how you may join us, most likely via Zoom.

As you see now, he Crosses of Lafayette has been re-named the Lafayette Hillside Memorial. I have maintained this website for two reasons. Laura Zucker's moving song, Memorial Day" has yet to be posted there, nor has Fred Norman's wonderful poetry.

You may watch Laura Zucker’s “Memorial Day”, below.

And Fred Norman’s powerful poetry can be read by clicking HERE. It appears that we missed 2017, but 2018's has been posted, and any that are missing will be in time. Soon all content will have been moved to the Hillside website.

Peace with justice,
Daniel Zwickel ben Avrám MacJean

We suggest you view this full-screen;
Apple users may watch it at: KoFotoFactory

And, we invite you to visit Laura Zucker’s website:, and support your local musician!

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