“Dear Daniel Zwickel,
On behalf of the
Southern California War
Tax Alternative Fund, I am pleased to enclose
began a letter from Gary Wolff of the
Fund. I heard about
the fund through one of my Web sites and
needed a hard drive (I decided
on a Zip Drive instead for its versatility)
and so applied for a grant.
I was totally amazed and humbled when I
received word that it was awarded
to me. Consider the company I am
in. Grants totaling
$2,400 were awarded to seven groups and
American Friends
Service Committee - U.S. Mexico Border
Program (provides assistance to
immigrants and the poor in the border
Empowerment Network – Friends of Dorothy
Granada (clinic and women’s
service center in Nicaragua.)
NWTRCC - National War Tax
Resistance Coordinating Committee
(resource and organizing assitance to
the war tax resistance movement.)
The Nuclear Resister (anti-nuclear
newsletter of activism information and
support for imprisoned activists.)
Peace Guides (distribution
of "counter-recruitment" materials to high
school students, and efforts
to remove militarism -- such as JROTC --
from the schools.)
The Southern California
Library for Social Studies and Research
(records, resources, archives of
organizations and individuals invloved in
social issues and campaigns.)
Daniel Zwickel (for assistance
to the web support he provides to many
peace and social service projects.)
PeaceHost.net is now an award-winning Web
hosting service!
My deepest thanks to the Southern California
War Tax Alternative Fund for
their generous support of my modest efforts.
“... Your readers may
share our satisfaction
that some funds have been refused and
redirected from the war system to
peace, equality, and social benefit.... Our
very good wishes for your continued
work. Gary A. Wolff, Treasurer”
P.O. Box 741537,
Los Angeles, California
442-9982 or (626) 359-0255